Hi rpmpam, @rauliruegas is exactly right, that would not be an optimal match, but I have listened extensively to a loudspeaker that would match well and does all genres without bias. It has a sensitivity of 92 dB/W/M. It does not have the most benign impedance curve, but at this sensitivity your amp will do fine. The loudspeaker is the Franco Serblin Ktema. They are handsome speakers, beautifully made and a great value. I prefer them to any Magico or Wilson loudspeaker I have heard. Serblin was the head designer at Sonus Faber. He left Sonus to start his own company. The Ktema is the type of loudspeaker everybody loves. It is insanely musical and casts a glorious image. If I were going to get a point source speaker I would get these in a heartbeat.