Not to start an argument here but the whole idea behind Darwin's philosophy is to eliminate the barrel completely. If the anodized coating applied to the aluminum barrel is enough to quell any interaction with the actual contact inside of it, then why not coat a brass barrel and be done with it, saving cost?
We all know, from experience, just how "non conductive" dielectrics mess with the signal on a wire, even when not always in direct contact with it and here you have the contact very snugly placed inside a "non conductive" outer barrel. It is said to be non magnetic, not non conductive, hence the anodized coating, which should stop or address in some part, conductivity.
Granted, this is all theory until someone makes a comparison but from what I'm getting with the Darwins (and for the cost) I'm content with what I have.
Also, has anyone talked to Tony Bender at Darwin cables?
All the best,
We all know, from experience, just how "non conductive" dielectrics mess with the signal on a wire, even when not always in direct contact with it and here you have the contact very snugly placed inside a "non conductive" outer barrel. It is said to be non magnetic, not non conductive, hence the anodized coating, which should stop or address in some part, conductivity.
Granted, this is all theory until someone makes a comparison but from what I'm getting with the Darwins (and for the cost) I'm content with what I have.
Also, has anyone talked to Tony Bender at Darwin cables?
All the best,