David Johansen has passed away

Wow, another one has passed.

Frontman for the New York Dolls.

Thanks Buster!



I was watching a blues special featuring several veterans when David came out and did a killer cover of Howlin Wolf's "Killing Floor".  You might be able to find it on You Tube.  Worth your while.

i was just listening to "here comes the night", which i think was his third solo record. imo the best thing he's done--really tight, lean songs (most written with blondie chaplin, who's an underrated guitarist). "bohemian love pad" and "suspicion" are the bomb.

It was the early eighties and I was the bartender when David and friends came in after a show.  From what I recall he was having a great time as he and the gang partied the night away. I seem to remember that they drank a good deal of champagne that nite. He was very cool, and generous. Left me a big tip!