DC Metro -- New

I would like to see what level of interest there is in re-starting a Washington-DC area Audio Society. F2Audio held a meeting in Falls Church last summer that was well attended. Unfortunately, the attendance list no longer exists. F2Audio is closing and being replaced by Command Performance AV (same owner Jeff). I am willing to host an upcoming meeting at our location in Falls Church. I am sure we could get a manufacturer to speak to us. I was thinking of having a meeting towards the end of Sept. What might be fun for an October meeting is to have mini-trip reports of what was cool at Rocky Mountain Audio Fest.

I am open to suggestions as to topics or if someone else would rather host. My goals are to 1) try to get the Society going and 2) this time keep it going.

If anyone is interested in a meeting please post here AND email me at jeff@commandav.com so that I can send updates to everyone via email.

-- Jeff
Ag insider logo xs@2xcommandav
Looks like we have enough people interested in having a meeting. Command Performance AV will host the first meeting on Saturday, September 22nd. We are a home-based dealer located at 7105 Marbury Court in Falls Church, VA 22046. Our phone number is 703-532-7239. Some have asked about Metro access. Command Performance is a couple miles from the East Falls Church metro. It is a short cab ride from there. Also, the #2 bus drops off near the bottom of our street (Lee Highway and Graham Road). We will also try to arrange rides from the East Falls Church Metro Station. If you plan to take the Metro and would like a lift, please email me at jeff@commandav.com and I will try to arrange for a pickup.

First meeting topic: There has been a lot of talk about the Usher Tiny Dancer (Be-718) speakers, so we will have the Usher Audio rep demonstrated the Tiny Dancer, as well as other Usher Audio models. Please feel free to bring some CDs. Command Performance will have a BBQ (burgers, dogs, sodas, and such) prior to the meeting for all of those who like to listen on a full stomach. At that meeting, it would be good if we can plan out the next couple of meetings (dates, topics, and locations).

The meeting will be at 7:00 pm. Cookout starts at 5 pm.

Please note that I will be away at CEDIA for the remainder of this week. I will reply to any messages when I return.
An update to the meeting. I was asked if only the Usher Tiny Dancers were being demoed at the meeting. The answer is no...other options available for demo are the following...S-520, V-601, V-604, X-719, CP-6381, BE-10. If any one has a preference, please let me know.

-- Jeff
I am interested in attending the Saturday, September 22, 2007, meeting. I live in Alexandria, Va. A friend, who lives in Falls Church, might also be interested.

This sounds like it could be a lot of fun. Thanks for organizing this affair.