

Responses from welcher

GoldenEar One.R vs. Wilson Watt Puppy 7s
I upgraded the Watt/Puppy 7's to the Sasha DAW. In my room compared to the 7's they provide stronger bass, more detailed highs and wider sound stage.  
GoldenEar One.R vs. Wilson Watt Puppy 7s
Wilson audio has a robust trade up program. I suggest that you go to a dealer and audition a pair of used 7's. The dealer will negotiate on the advertised price. The price will include delivery and setup. Also some dealers will deliver outside of ... 
Audio Research versus McIntosh tube amps: anyone experience or compare both?
I at one point I had both a Ref 75SE and Pass xa25 in my system. I concur with @chcook's statement " I actually find the XA to have more midrange warmth than the Ref 75. I really like them both a lot - Ref 75 edges out the Pass on soundstage, and ... 
Aurender Now Roon Ready
In my system to my ears the Aurender N200 USB interface sounds better than the Coax interface. When I tried Roon on the N200 output was limited to the Coax interface.  
Ethernet and streaming
Summary Ethernet cables only transmit two values 0 or 1. The bits transmitted on the cable are not the actual data but a representation of the data. Copper Ethernet cables can transmit electromagnetic noise, absorb electromagnetic noise from th... 
Ethernet and streaming
Ethernet Switch Ethernet switches connect multiple devices together by physically cabling devices to the same switch or devices connected to another switch. Every Ethernet compatible device has a hard coded physical address called a MAC address... 
Ethernet and streaming
Ethernet clock There is no specific clock signal passed on an Ethernet cable. The Ethernet specification requires that the transmitted data be self-clocking. This is accomplished through several mechanisms. First is that each Ethernet frame begin... 
Ethernet and streaming
Ethernet cable, noise and differential signaling Standards govern Ethernet cable construction. The 8P8C specification governs the physical connector on each end of the cable. The RJ45 specification specifies the amount of wires in the cable, the ... 
Ethernet and streaming
Ethernet data transmission: Ethernet cables transmit binary data. The only two values that can be transmitted are 0 and 1. The transmitter converts a bit value into a voltage value for transmission on the wire (modulation). The receiver converts ... 
Ethernet and streaming
Media Render: We will now examine the render's processing in a little more detail. The renderer contains a CPU, system memory (RAM) and a system bus. It will also contain a CPU clock which is used to synchronize operations (executing CPU instruct... 
Ethernet and streaming
Media Server: In this example we will transport Jennifer Warnes First We take Manhattan from the media server to the media render. The file is in 96/24 PCM uncompressed format and approximately 133 mega bytes in length. For simplicity we will ign... 
Ethernet and streaming
Streaming Architecture: Network audio is based upon error free bulk data transfer. It incorporates the same/similar technology that are used for rendering the web page you are currently reading. Qobuz, Tidal, Roon and UPnP/DLNA have similar archi... 
Is positive reinforcement why things are sounding better?
@tonywinga your experience matches mine. I too did not know that Wilson speakers existed until I heard the Watt/Puppy 7's at a dealers. Once I heard them I wanted a pair. I kept my W/P 7's for 20 years and eventually upgraded them to Sasha DAW. In... 
Ethernet cables
Network audio relies on error free bulk data transfer. When the musical data is transferred from the source to the destination the data is broken up into thousands of small data packet/frames. Each chunk of data has an associated checksum. If timi... 
Roon vs OS and Native Players - Impact on SQ?
@mgrif104 I believe the hardware interface between the DAC and source has a bigger impact on the sound than the software being used. (I am not saying that software does not have an impact on the sound) When the hardware interface is usb, AES or S...