DC Offset Blocker/Killer - where to buy in the USA

   I have McIntosh MC8207, the first unit I bought from an authorized dealer came with a loud buzzing coming from the left transformer, and was replaced with a new unit which came with even a louder buzzing. The buzzing can be heard from 8 feet away. Then I was told to have install new 20 amp outlet that has its own isolated grounding.
   That was done professionally by an electrician who installed two isolated 20 amp outlets, two 20 amp circuit breakers, two copper polls for grounding for each outlet, each outlet has its own neutral and power line. After all this done the buzzing sound was still there.
   I was then told to buy a power conditioner which I did (Audio Quest Niagara) which was like $4000 and that did not help. Called back McIntosh and was told that I might have DC offset in my AC line and was told by McIntosh that I would need a DC Offset Blocker/Killer to which when I asked them where to buy one they told me to go on the internet and search to find one, to which I cannot find one.
  This bothers me a little bit, if you as a company think that I have dc in my ac and i need a dc blocker wouldn't you need to sell one as well. I brought this amp to my friends house and it was the same no improvement, so my guess is that he has dc in the ac line as well.
   So If anyone of you knows where to buy a DC Offset Blocker/killer please let me know, but even if this helps kill the buzzing wouldn't you guys think that this expensive somewhat hifi amp/brand should be silent from the factory. I mean this is two units in a row all purchased brand new.

My house is 5 years old, everything is brand new, the whole neighborhood is about 8-9 years old, my electrician says that I have perfect power coming to the house and everything looks fine.

Thank You

After some serious thinking I will just return this unit for a full refund, I shouldn’t be the one obligated to do all those things since everything else works perfect in my house I know that I don’t have problem with my power and it has been checked so many times, I don’t have to invest anymore time and money in any kind of aftermarket equipment to silence the buzz, I would try with the DC blocker like the Emotiva CMX-2 that was shipped to me by a forum member but that’s that, it will just mask the problem and nothing else. Yes taking it to the dealer and having no buzz there means that they use all kinds of power conditioners and dc blockers and what not would not prove anything to me, this unit does not work at my place and at my friend’s, I have taken this unit to two others and still buzzed.
If McIntosh does not want to invest in a proper circuitry that will fix this problem that they are having and they do have this problem for a long time I can see that since there were many people on forums saying the same thing that I am saying and we as consumers should not be held accountable for it.
There are some threads that I red about the MC462 being dead on arrival which is another thing that tells me that quality check is lacking, since I am also having issues with loose parts on mine.
McIntosh you better get your sh$t together otherwise you would start losing some serious sales or maybe you already have.

Good Move.
There are plenty of great amplifier designers out there that you can choose from.
Especially at that price point.
It's a story as old as the hills.

A company spends decades establishing a really good name.

A conglomerate swoops in and buys it up--and they're buying the name much more than the factory or the know-how.  They proceed to try and squeeze every last drop of profit out of it--and then they'll throw away the dry husk when they're done.

The attitude you've gotten--it's your problem, we really don't want to take it back (=we've already made our profit off of you)--is a classic demonstration of this.
@twoleftears ,
I bought a 2016 TTS that has a B&O sound system. 
It sounds like crap. My previous TTS had a Bose system that sounded leaps and bounds above the B&O-and that is saying something.
B&O had some really interesting gear in the day, but now that they have been acquired by another company, they are just resting on the name recognition.
Too bad for me, Audi trusted them- but, hey, it all comes down to money.
Food for thought.
Quote from an Audio Circle audio forum thread about DC offset on the AC mains.
  • Industry Contributor

  • Posts: 4101

Re: DC offset on AC line « Reply #8 on: 30 Nov 2007, 03:51 am »

If you have access to a Fluke 43B power line analyzer, you can check the harmonic distortion on the AC line. Had a similar problem with lots of audio gear in the house. Turned out the the AC line harmonic distortion was running about 6%.

The local power company did some investigation. Found out the meter base contacts had corrosion. After clean up, the AC line distortion runs about 2%.  No more power transformer hum.
