dcs Purcell upsampler/Delius DAC interface

I need some help! I am using my upsampler, fed by an iMac computer, to upsample my CDs to DSD. The sound is sublime, definitely better than upsampling to 192k. Yet, I keep getting a message on the delius dac of "no wordclock". Can some saavy dcs person tell me what I have done wrong. I have worked with the factory and have had some success in getting the upsampling to DSD to work but not the clock.

Help! and Thanks!
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Thanks so much for all of your input. I will go back and try my best to deal with this incredibly wonderful sounding, yet quite complex, dcs gear....
Well I got the Scarlatti manual off the internet, read the suggested sections, and fixed the problem I had in about 5 minutes. The DAC is now in sync with the wordclock. BMCgoz your advice was particularly helpful. And, again, thanks to all who offered their advice.