Dealers of High End Equipment

What do you expect from a 30 year relationship with a Dealer ? 
Discount's, Setup Charges, Tech Support, Return Policy, Return set up charges..etc   






It looks like I've never experienced 30 year relationship and it's most likely too late to have any new 30 year relationship.

seems extremely astronomic time

that dealer probably have to give you gifts for your birthday such as some nice preamp or pair of speakers or turntable and if he really tosses you such gifts, i can probably start regretting not having tried any 30 year relationships...

I've never had any of these benefits. My only high-end dealer in town is horrible and after I bought my Magnepan's from them I never returned!

In home trials before you buy.  This is only available once you have established credibility and trust with your dealer. It’s a two way street.

Not always true,  Fidelis in Nashua NH offered a home demo of a DAC my first visit....   I have returned several times there to purchase gear.