
Responses from willywonka

Here we go.
???Safely Trading Gear Between Private Parties???
Why can't people (Who should know better) keep the stupid political comments out of the Audio forums? You know it's going to be divisive and get a response! Grow up people!  
Preamp for my CODA 5.5 amp
@yyzsantabarbara I'm trying to get rid of my headphones, so I wasn't really interested in the adapter. If I could get one really cheap maybe, but $800 more for something I rarely listen to isn't worth it to me. I just don't want to put any more mo... 
Preamp for my CODA 5.5 amp
@yyzsantabarbara I was very happy with my Serene and Coda but wanted some tube sound in my system and the price was right for my VK-80. I blindly bought the BAT preamp, but I bought from Music Direct who has a 60 day return policy. I have zero reg... 
Preamp for my CODA 5.5 amp
Like @yyzsantabarbara I was using a Holo Audio Serene KTE on my Coda #8 with good results. Very transparent sounding. I now have a Balanced Audio Technology (BAT) VK-80 Tube preamp that I am extremely happy with. Sold my Serene preamp.  
got my PayPal 1099 /// what now?
From what I understand is if you bought an item for say $10K and sold it for $7k then you have a loss and made no profit and would not have to pay extra tax on this but would have to still document the sale with the right forms to the IRS. I'm uns... 
No response from Aurender customer support
They also have an official Aurender discussion forum over on audiophilestyle under MUSIC SERVERS. I know Aurender's tech support hangs out there and have answered my questions before.  
How about a Coda S5.5. The quality is just as good as Pass labs and they sound amazing. I have a #8 and it's amazing!  
I also own the Holo May KTE DAC and most users who own this DAC prefer NOS. I'm streaming from an Aurender N200. Hardware based upsampling in my experience is pretty worthless. If you really want to play with extreme upsampling, stream from your c... 
The $27,900 disappointment? Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 8 issues.
@paqua123 +1  
The $27,900 disappointment? Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 8 issues.
@deep_333 I'm not necessarily talking about THIS incident! I'm talking about many other ones over the years!  
The $27,900 disappointment? Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 8 issues.
I believe VERY LITTLE of what Danny has to say! He's a competitor of other speaker companies and loves to bash them like he has the best products in the world! I have absolutely ZERO respect for the guy!  
Streamer output options
It's completely DAC dependent IMHO! Some DAC's like my Holo Audio May KTE have done an excellent job of implementing the USB and it has double galvanic isolation. USB has come a long way and can sound excellent!  
Auralic Aries G2.1 connect to Holo Audio May KTE
USB works best between my Holo Audio May KTE DAC and Aurender N200. The May actually has double galvanic isolation. I'm using a DH Labs Mirage cable and it works great.    
Love my VK-80. They are now discontinued so you are lucky to get a new one if you buy it. The replacement (VK-85) is solid state and not tube.