Dealing with transformer hum

My Belles 150 makes a humming/vibrating sound which I'm told is due to the transformer. At average listening levels, the hum is not an issue at all, because it's not loud enough to be heard, but I do a lot of really low level listening at nights, and this hum is driving me absolutely nuts.

I don't have the option of really moving the amp much and there are no enclosures to hide it away in. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,
Liguy, I'm not exactly sure what these electrolytics are of which you speak? Can you recommend a brand or a site I can look up to learn more about these. They sound very promising.

All good thoughts and if they relieve the problem , great , but if all else fails The Ah Offset Killer works very well. I had tranformer hum with a Rotel, then with an Anthem. Ive upgraded to Classe since then and the Classe is dead quiet, but I remember The previous Amps tranformer hum driving me off the wall. If you do a search on google it leads you in the right direction.
There are a couple of things causing transformer hum in my sytem. My RPTV casues a slight amount of hum when turned on, and when my wife is using the blow dryer or curling iron I get a LOT of hum, even though those devices are being used on a completely seperate circuit. I'd be very interested in more info on the "electrolytic" solution as well.
Go to the psaudio web site as they have a interesting product just for hum, it's called the humbuster. Also lots of info on the subject!
Here's an interesting reference to the Nelson Pass comments and a lot of discussion around hum circuits. You may have to join the diy site (which is a pretty cool place) to see the circuits themselves -- there's a link to get to the original posts and, after joining, you can see the attachments. BTW, the scope pictures of dc and transformer saturation at the end is very instructive -- I loved the comment "a 60Hz transformer is basically a big, heavy bad antenna" (that may not be an exact quote). Here's the site: