Decision between Zu Definition OR VS DB99

Trying to decided between these two spectacular speakers. I have not listen to either of them and will not get a opportunity to do so. Hence asking for suggestion/opinions regarding these spks. My room size is 22 by 13 and basically listen to all types of music from classical to rock at quite loud volumes. The spks will be driven via Audio Aero Capitol power amp and cdp.

Showing 3 responses by bornie

Wow 213cobra,, I had to re-read your post several times just to make sure your observations were not a actual direct comparison of the VSA dB99's and the Zu's. The glowing review of the Zu's blurred the fact/fiction line for me on a couple of occasions. I was nearly seduced before realizing your only comparison of the two speakers, were those darn "online" specs of the dB's versus your impressions of the Zu's that you purchased and own? Crossover's asserting themselves, just "squeezing the life out of the music", and "disintegrating the holistic sound" whew, powerful implications. I was nearly tempted to burn my dB's! And the VR1's too! You really must hear the 99's before jumping to any conclusions about them. They truly are anything but the picture you have generically painted them.

For those interested, the VSA dB99's can be seen and heard at the StTropez Hotel Rm#1002 at the upcoming CES. Though not the most conducive venue to audition anything critically,, surprising sometimes the lasting impression a system will leave on you.

Nakoawala,, find dealer nearest you or,, spend a few hundred dollars, and jump on a plane if necessary to audition them or any speaker system you are laying $10k down for. A small amount of $$ and time invested, will save you a lot of grief in the long run.

Phil, I listened quite attentively to the Zu's at the Rocky Mtn Show in Denver a couple of months back. First time was not charm for me and several others in the room,, though I promised myself another audition in a setting more appropriate.

I too am an audiophile for 30 years, plus. I make it a point to listen to the latest, whether attending CES over the last 8 years or so, the Stereophile Home Show, now the Denver gathering,,, or making it a point to visit the "hi-end" brick and mortar stores in every large metropolitan area I visit,, in this country and abroad. My eyes and ears remain open! I too have developed a keen sense for the dyanmics, transparency, imaging, soundstage, and accuracy. I'm a club member Phil and wholeheartedly and passionately endorse the dB99's as you do the Zu's. Take a listen to the 99's,,, it may change your world!


No disclaimer necessary to encourage someone interested in a pair of speakers, who hasn't listened to them, to audition before deciding which speaker system to buy. I think if you read my posts above, their is no hidden agenda or message other than,,, listen to the VSA db99's for yourself before deciding on a purchasing decision. And that goes for the originator of the thread or anyone spending $10k+ for speakers,, and I believe Phil agrees.

Brian, I'm curious if you've heard the dB99's? With or without super tweeter? Show conditions or home setting? Your impressions?
