Decware - any substance here?

With such a nice and extensively detailed website, I've long been curious about Decware. But with little in the way of genuine reviews, and not much in the way of discussion here, I always wonder if they are nothing more than that, a great website. They clearly have a dedicated fanbase, but my problem with the fanbase is this: most of them (not all of course) seem to have limited experience with products besides Decware, as if they stumbled upon Decware and never bothered with other brands. Maybe this is positive, that once experienced they don't have the typical audiophile itch to try other amps. I'm specifically struck by the new Torii MKIII push-pull amp, which in description and looks is just beautiful. So does it interest anyone here? Has anyone actually heard it, or it's previous incarnations? If so how does it rate amongst the other quality tube amps, whether Blue Circle, Cary, Vac, Almarro, Atma-Sphere, etc...?
In response to the new torii after listening for several months...
A few comments
First amp that stock tubes don't need to be upgraded with NOS tubes
Incredible bass response unusual in tube amps...tight and full...
Dead quiet which is a feature of decware designs.....
The hazen (sp) grid mod is worth the price alone..and why it is better than every el34 amp.
Beautiful construction...
The sound is complete and not
I compare it to my RWA signature 30.2
Well I suppose I'm just too curious. Sooner or later I'll pick up a Torii and report back.
This was taken from the Decware site....I hope it isn't illegal, if it is, sorry.

To me this just shows Steve Deckert, and what he is all about by his comment., As far as reviews go, I would prefer to listen to someone that owns the product and lives with it than that of a professional reviewer that who opinion my be jaded by advertising dollars. (Not saying that happens, but you know we all wonder, right)
If you are a tube roller as I find it fun....the mini torii could be the most
Musical and enjoyable amp you can buy....on the decware site
Steve has a picture of all the output tubes you can use....I have tried
Almost all of's a blast ....married to the right spkrs it's
A final must have is the additional output connection
You have for use of a sub, which gives the signature of the amp
Helping to make integration seamless.....I have used this amp over a
Year and is still one of my all time favorites .....