Dedicated power and outlets

I'm having a room addition built and will house my audio gear there. I was thinking of dedicating a circuit to just my equipment which consists of amp, pre amp, cd player, and laptop I use to play lossless digital files- my main source.

Will also set-up a home theater separately, but not really concerned about it cause I don't watch many movies or TV other than sports.

Mainly want to insure optimum sound quality at a reasonable price.

What should I use in terms of outlet(s), cabling from circuit box(which is about 3 feet away from where I will hook-up) or whatever else would seem appropriate? I'm not looking for super high end, just something that would make sense since the situation presents itself to "do it right".

Thanks for any input.
Overhang, have you seen one up close and personal.
I doubt it. Have you heard one and its effect - also doubt it. So let me ask you this. Is this your personal experience or just something you read somewhere.
PS outlets were the most recommended budget component/accessory of the year for a few years straight - and yes it was in Stereophile mag.
My reply might be a little strong but when considering your pointless and baseless disapproval I think it is more then adequate.
I speak from my experience how about you?????
In my own experience, replacing the Power Ports on a PS Audio P300 with Furutechs* made for a significant sonic improvement, although the main reason I did this was that I'm using Furutech AC and IEC connectors on most of my power cords. Dave

* Not a drop-in replacement but not all that difficult either.
Mrjstark,i still have one somewhere in the house and would gladly sell it to you.I bought it at the CES from Music Direct dealers (they had a last day of the show special)for $35.I bought it just to try out after reading Art Dudley's review several years ago.I burned it in the video system first and after several months installed in the audio system.It sounded OK (lightweight and splashy)and i can see where it can bring certain improvements to a dark system.But i uninstalled it after i noticed that my power cords were not gripped tightly enough by it.Only later i read Art Dudley's follow-up regarding poor build quality.
After that article Stereophile pulled the plug on reccomending these outlets untill the problem is fixed.
My vote goes to the Oyaide R1s. I have tried many outlets and these are IMO the way to go!
Overhang, I don't judge your finding and I DON'T buy on mag. recommendations. I am NOT saying there aren't any other options. There are others but I simply don't have any experience with them (by exp. I mean that I never had a chance to evaluate it in my system). I could recommend - Furutech or Wattgate 381 or 381Ag but those are a expensive alternatives and I think Jamesk58 is looking for the best bang for his $$$. I can also add Signal cable - MagicStrip (about $100) 4-outlet Power Extension with Marinco hospital grade AC plug or Hubbell 4-Plex High Quality 20A Outlet Box. But he still needs good quality outlet(s).

If I post a recommendation or opinion, it is strictly from my own experience. If you want, you can check my posts about tweaks and such. You will find out that I am not a big fan or a user. But these did bring some improvements. There were big enough for me to notice it. I also got them from M-Direct. With money back guarantee, I could have return them easily but I did not.
I own Vandersteen Quatros. Stereophile wrote great review about these spks. In general, I agree (90%) with Michael Fremer, July, 2006 review but if for any reason, after a year or two he changed his mine about Quatros - it would definitely NOT affect my own judgment.
I got 4 PS Outlets, 2 Furutech and 1 Wattgate 381.
PS outlets - show special, NY HE SHOW 2002 - I am not selling. Sorry.