Deep Cleaning Records With Steam?

It has happened again. Major tweak and record provider has available a steam cleaner made especially for records. Anybody try steam for cleaning lp’s? What were your results? Since a unit can be had for about $20 at Target, 15% of what the tweak provider is charging, is it worth a try?.
I bought something called demineralised water at the local supermarket. The usage recommendations state: car radiators, storage batteries, steam irons, garment steamers. No mention on the container as to what process was used to demineralise the water. There is a warning not to drink it. $1.05 for 2 litres.

Would this be ok for vinyl steaming?

I have managed to find what looks to be an extremely good steamer in the the UK - it is called a Hot Shot. It delivers a very fine spray with very few drops of water.
My first attempt to clean a record was on an old Jeff Beck album which had me cringing the first time I listened - after a good clean (on a VPI 16 / Spray / Disc Doctor / Vacuum / Spray / Vacuum cycle) I had a listen - the recording is still not very good (large amounts of distortion in the recording) but it is very listenable - so far so good. Next up was a John Lill recording of the Hammerklavier Sonata - this record is scratched and badly pressed - so the cleaning could not remove these problems - but what came through was a beautiful sound - despite the clicks etc the background was silent - I have not enjoyed listening to this for a long time - it is wonderful to have the music back!! I will make sure I steam clean every record before playing - a convert / zealot.
So many thanks to all on the thread (especially Charlie) for bringing back the life to my vinyl.
Sondale(Alan), Thanks for the kind words , nothing better than to know I assisted a fellow LP person. All the best. Charlie
Jsmoller, It does appear you have located a water-source suitable for steam cleaning records. The water product you found will certianly keep the steamer from clogging and producing a head of steam relatively free of water borne "junk". All the Best
How is R/O water any better than distilled water? These steamers state that distilled water is sufficient. I was under the impression that the process of distillation removes all minerals, because they can not evaporate with the water and condense.