dehavilland ultraverve preamp with ss amp

Anyone have experience with this combo. I recently tried ultraverve with mccormack dna 1. While I enjoyed alot about the ultraverve, found the combo to overemphasize the mid to upper bass. I haven't heard this in either component before, ultraverve with dehavilland amp or mccormack with ss preamp. ? whether tube rolling dehavilland would help or just not a good match and why. The midrange with this combo was fantastic though. Appreciate any info-thanks- Joe
i have auditioned the ultraverve in my own stereo system.
i did not find the pre amp tube-like ar all. it sounds a lot like a ss preamp.

try a ss preamp with the mccormack.
I use the Ultraverve with a Bryston 14bsst and find it very warm and detailed. I totally disagree with Mrtennis. In fact, everyone who has listened to my system is amazed by the full soundstage and naturalness of the system. This question has been asked before and almost all responding concurred with my experience regarding the Ultraverve and ss amps. I highly recommend it.
Any suggestion regarding the mid to upper bass prominence? Speakers are cremona auditors which are not prone to this. Is this something that cables or tube rolling might address? Thanks.