I bought one on auction, at a great price. I figured for the price, I'd try it. Did not look like the picture on the web. Instead it was braided, rather than having a cover on the outside. Insulation was clear teflon, silver wire being visible. Still very good looking, just different than the guy's picture. I am not sure of the gauge. No matter, I am interested in the sound foremost. I use it in my Jadis amp, as my CD player and tuner have captive power cords. I let the unit warm up for an hour by playing music. I then switched cables(stock cord). Instant difference for the better, and not small. Everything sharpened/tightened up, became much blacker, more extended, pleasant, veils I never heard were lifted, etc. I sound like all the other cable people now! That's because it's true. People always say power cords make much more difference on the source components. And, if that's the case, then this must be one killer cable. Haven't compared it to a SR, but I paid the same as they go for used here, so I figured what the heck. When I get my next player(SACD or DVD-A), I'll buy a SR and compare. But for now, I couldn't be happier! What price are they asking?