455 posts
After reading some saying a little brighter and not as organic has anyone decided to hold up on the update? I was planning on doing an update on my Pontus 2 this weekend but may hold off until more have spoken up on their results.
I’m very happy with the detail and bass I’m getting now if I need more Im guessing I can change out cables or tubes. Gaining better bass and sound stage is very appealing but if at the cost of losing it’s natural presentation it is a concern for me. I’m sure there is no going back after update.
so… yeah…I updated last Sunday…strictly for the improved sonics, as I had no tech issues…and after listening extensively…for me…I am experiencing greater clarity…some positives…but as of right now there can be a glassiness in the highs. Symbols sound better but the overall sound in the highs with certain recordings can be synthetic sounding… The DAC NEVER had this quality before. There Is a discussing going on at Head-Fi about this. Many of us are having the same experience. A member there has talked with Alvin and said that we can return our DACs to the previous firmware. I am going to give mine some more "burn-in" and see if the sound changes…but if not I am going to reload the old firmware.
That thread is here: