Denon 103R or 304?

I have been presented with an opportunity to purchase either a DL-103R or (for $30 more) a DL-304. Either will be mounted on a tweaked RB300 tonearm. I welcome all suggestions and let it be known that this will be my first MC experience.

I have done two evenings worth of research on both cartridges and according to all the data the differences between the two aren't huge. I am leaning towards the 304 however.


Showing 1 response by artemus_5

For $30 you get an eliptical or fine line stylus, vs the conical on the 103. Also, the 304 will have better compliance with your arm as pointed out. From my research, the 304 seems a little more analytical. However, there is not much info on the 304. I too have considered the 304. I'm skeptical about the conical stylus, mainly due to surface noise issues. I have become accustomed to little or no surface noise, after using eliptical and fine line styli, and do not want to take a step backward concerning the issue.