detailed vs. warm DAC - which do I prefer?

My first post on GON... I recently purchased a PS Audio DirectStream DAC and when I do an A/B comparison with my old NAD C542 cd player (Burr-Brown Sigma Delta DAC), I prefer the cd player every time.  The DSD just sounds too laid-back and muted for my taste with a less-defined soundstage.  In all fairness to PS Audio, I've only had the DSD for a couple of weeks so it's nowhere near to being broken in.  My question to the group is what, if anything, does this say about my preference in DACs?   I live in the sticks, so I don't have the luxury of listening to demos at a dealer or in my own system.  If I do seek out a replacement for the DSD, should I consider a more "detailed" or "warm" DAC?  I honestly don't know what I prefer.  My budget is $7K and I'm considering the mytek manhattan II, bryston, luxman, and exogal.  Surely there's a DAC in this price range that will sound better than spinning discs in my old cd player.  Or maybe I've grown so accustomed to the digital redbook sound that I haven't learned to appreciate the more analog sounding DSD and it might grow on me after break-in.
I'm using the NAD C542 as transport as well as streaming to the bridge II with Roon. 
I'd like to encourage you to give the Exogal Comet a try. I don't want to miss mine anymore.
You can have both. No reason that can't especially at that price point.  I just sold an Ayre QX5/20 DAC/streamer/digital front controller (even new it's in your range depending on which input you want. There are some incredible DAC's in the 5k range that would be a great choice.  Have you seen the very long thread on AG talking about top DAC's?  Matt (the OP) is a very close friend and he was looking for the top DAC period, but he's also had some of the under 10k DAC's in that thread.  It's a very very long thread, but you can simply ask Matt which ones he likes in your range.  You will have a ton of 'experts' trying to sell you on THEIR DAC's, but Matt has actually had most of them in for a decent audition. He's also not a sales person (he's a Dr.).  

Feel free to PM me if you want to get in touch with him or have me ask for you.  He'll have a few options for you I'm sure.  Be ready though as he's not a fan of the PS Audio DAC's, lol.