devore fidelity gibbon nines ,need good amplificat

hey every one i need good amplification for this lovely speakers i heard them with 3 amplification :
1.leben cs600
2.cary sli80
3.nuforce 9 two monoblocks+pre ear.

any another advice i wanna amazing amplification and the list i heard was in the same level but not so good any another or maybe what u think of this amplification that i hear ?
my livingroom is 3 meter*5 meter but isnt aqustic at all and i sit in the 3 meter size and the speakers is near to me
i need to this speakers tube amplification or regular or pre tube and power not tube ??? i m confused pls help me

Showing 1 response by oddmorning

I heard these speakers with the Leben cs600 and the combination sounded beautiful, powerful, detailed and delicious.