Devore Nines and amp match

I’m putting together a second system using a Primaluna Dialogue integrated (about 35 watts). I’m considering a used pair of Devore Nines (nominal impedance 8 ohms (5.6 ohms minimum), 91dB sensitivity).  I can’t find impedance / phase info on this speaker, but my goal is an easy load and to use the 8 ohm taps. 

Anyone have experience with this speaker with tube gear? I’ve read user comments in a few forums that these older Devore’s need a lot of current to really shine, and low power amps aren’t the best fit (contrary to their reputation). I figure 5.6 min is close to the edge anyway, and without phase angle info I’m leaning against them at the moment. 

Anyone have experience or opinion on this matching? Finding efficient tube friendly speakers is one difficult task. Gibbon X would be great...except they’re $16K so that’s not going to happen!

Love my Devore nines! Currently enthralled with the Almarro A318B pairing, wonderful timbre and dynamics, midrange, bass you name it (and only 2 input tubes to roll!) Also have Leben (more than enough power in my room), and had elekit and line magnetic too as well as a FirstWatt F7 with these speakers. I prefer the tube magic on them with the Almarro currently number 1! I think you will be very happy, good luck.
I run Gibbon Xs with tubes - 75 watt ARC Ref 75SE. Excellent pairing and value on the used market.

MY PL does a surprising job of powering difficult speakers (4 ohm, 3.5 min), and I’ve compared them using 100 W ss. With the tubes the bass had less impact...slower and not as well defined, and a pretty drastic reduction in sound stage (dynamic range was still good though).
Did you notice any of these type of problems using tubes?
Just because the Devores work well with amps of high output impedance, don't think that this somehow also means they can't be revealing. I would not blame the issue described above as anything about tubes vs solid state so much as the speaker simply reveals. There are tube amps that have more bass impact, are fast and very well defined, with plenty of soundstage.
FWIW, I’ve heard Nines paired with a First Watt J2 and F7, both extensively. I personally found the J2 more to my liking since I generally prefer the tube electronics but without too much “tubiness” and the J2 was just that. Great detail, bass, and lush. The F7 sounded more in charge of the speakers, faster, and more balanced, less tubelike. Just some other option(s) if you decide to go the SS route.
I totally disagree about Nines "needing a lot of current."

I owned Nines for many years and used them with a Naim Nait XS2 integrated amp.  Definitely not a producer of "a lot of current" and I loved the pairing.
The 15 watts or so of the Leben 300 lacked some bass definition but if your trying to raise the roof with trance music and EL 84’s you’ve got other issues :)
IME if I can use an amp rated at 10-20 watts in triode most of the time and switch to 20-40 ultra linear occasionally I’m all set. Hope this helps.
Thanks everyone for the replies, all v helpful!

bjesien - When comparing the SS to the tubes...did you notice any signs of the Nines needing more power? MY PL does a surprising job of powering difficult speakers (4 ohm, 3.5 min), and I’ve compared them using 100 W ss. With the tubes the bass had less impact...slower and not as well defined, and a pretty drastic reduction in sound stage (dynamic range was still good though). 
Did you notice any of these type of problems using tubes?
I have a pair of Nines that I enjoy with tubes and solid state.  I would recommend 20 plus watts.  I’ve used them with a Leben 300 and the sound was amazing but I found the combination slightly underpowered for a medium sized room.  Every amp I’ve used with them sounded quite different.
I've owned the Nines, and O/96...both excellent speakers. I went to even higher efficiency, but miss the DeVores. I think while comparing the Nines to 93's, the former may be at an unfair disadvantage with a very low wattage amp. I sure wouldn't hesitate to put mid-30 watt EL 34 or mid-40 watt KT 88 amp on either of them. I have a soft spot for the O series. 
I suggest speaking to a Devore dealer,the two I had phone conversations with suggested Line Magnetic over Primaluna( which I had at the time)..Now owning a LM I agree especially with Devore 
I second the idea to get a used pair of the 0/93's as 35 watts is more than enough for those.

i used to have a pair of the nines and found the upgrade to the 0/93's night and day difference.

wait for a used pair to pop up in the 5-6k range
Thanks Ralph. Much of my understanding about tube / speaker matching is from what you’ve written here. Much appreciated. I’ve made one expensive mistake already and I want to avoid another. 

I’ve also read about the somewhat high output impedance with the Primalunas (or some of the models anyway). Appears to me that this is generally a negative, but I haven’t figured technically how this effects speaker matching...these discussions are beyond my pay grade. 
The Devores are a good match with tube amps, even though with a fairly high output impedance as tube amps go. The Primaluna will be no worries.
I would think the O/93 or O/96 would be an easier pairing with a lower-medium powered tube integrated.