Diamond Stylus Enters the 4th Dimension

So, I went to play a Chet Baker Album last night. Lowered the arm, flipped og the mute switch and.......GARBAGE!

The cantilever looked fine. On examination with my USB microscope I confirmed a sullen fact. The diamond had gone AWOL. There is just a little glue left on the end of the cantilever which is completely undamaged. It is a Clearaudio Charisma cartridge.

Anyone ever have this happen? I played records the day before no problem. I did not take anything to the stylus brush or otherwise. I do use an Audio Technica tonearm lift but it's trigger mechanism is so light. I can't believe that did it and it certainly should not do it. IMHO the cantilever should break before the diamond gets knocked off. 

The cartridge is four months old and I got it from Elusive Disc. It has a two year warranty. Here is where the rubber hits the road. 

did you have wine and/or cocktails while listening to music the previous evening? :)
Dear @lalitk  : Good that will be only a listening session. The designer likes ruby material for the cantilever instead than the way superior Boron but listen it can be a good audio experience for any one.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
There are many reports on the net about a Stylus Losing Adhesion from the Boron Rod Cantilevers that are used.
I have a Cadenza Black with a Stylus that has separated from the Cantilever due to a loss of adhesion.

I have found a solution for this situation, and am happy with the proposals on offer to get it back into service.      
I broke the @#$% cantilever myself on my Clearaudio Talismann        I replaced it with AMG Teatro
Those cantilevers that hang out in the open like that are asking for it for sure. 
jjss49, afraid not, but after the acid I took wears off I should have another look at that cantilever. Maybe the stylus will grow back.
pindac, thanks and what I was thinking, a failure of the adhesive. Do you have any references for that? Clearaudio warns against using any solvents when cleaning the stylus so I have only used a dry brush.
Still no word back from Elusive Disc. Patience is a virtue   🤯