Diana Krall Survey

A friend of mine is working the new Diana Krall release (first download track and cover art available tomorrow) for Verve Records. I mentioned that Audiogon has some devoted DK fans and he said he'd love to get any feedback that anyone might provide. So any comments (music, artwork, etc.) are appreciated.


I confess to owning most of Diana’s CD’s… I confess to wondering what possessed me to buy all that elevator music... I confess to not playing them very often… I hope that T-Bone doesn’t muddy this up too bad… and I’ll probable pre-order the new CD ASAP.
I like DK very much. I think she is talented and greatly appreciate artists such as she who produce superbly recorded material. I have heard most of her material and own three of her releases: "Live in Paris" and "All for You", which are my favorites and have been in regular rotation for a long time; and "Girl in the Other Room", which I enjoy on occassion. As much as I do enjoy her, I doubt I'll purchase any more from her. With those three I feel like I've covered her entire range. I would love to see her live though, especially with a large band such as on Paris.
Contraltos in general are a relatively hard sell for female vocals I think. Contralto is the lowest normal range for a female singer I believe, making it the least distinguished from male vocals. A contralto has to up the ante in other complimentary ways more so usually to score with the masses I think. I have seen Lady Gaga and Katy Perry categorized as contraltos, though contralto is a classical music voice designation technically. I think Diana Krall is no different. Sometimes she does and succeeds, sometimes she just relies on her vocal chops alone which is a tougher sell, at least for me.
I still can't believe this gorgeous creature is married to Elvis Costello !!!!
Shes actually looks better in photos than she really does. A great vocal talent.