Did Amir Change Your Mind About Anything?

It’s easy to make snide remarks like “yes- I do the opposite of what he says.”  And in some respects I agree, but if you do that, this is just going to be taken down. So I’m asking a serious question. Has ASR actually changed your opinion on anything?  For me, I would say 2 things. I am a conservatory-trained musician and I do trust my ears. But ASR has reminded me to double check my opinions on a piece of gear to make sure I’m not imagining improvements. Not to get into double blind testing, but just to keep in mind that the brain can be fooled and make doubly sure that I’m hearing what I think I’m hearing. The second is power conditioning. I went from an expensive box back to my wiremold and I really don’t think I can hear a difference. I think that now that I understand the engineering behind AC use in an audio component, I am not convinced that power conditioning affects the component output. I think. 
So please resist the urge to pile on. I think this could be a worthwhile discussion if that’s possible anymore. I hope it is. 


Hi Chayro,

Sensory Evaluation classes in the Wine Industry teach us that the olfactory sense of smell is interpreted; the only one of our senses that is not 'technically' hard-wired.

Some humans can be 'trained' to distinguish up to 1,000 different smells.

Each humans mouth, nose etc. are different.  For example when we would place and old 3-ring binder life-saver on our tongues and place a small drop of blue dye in the middle hole we could count the taste buds in the center of the life-saver-shaped hole.  Those who had lots of little taste buds were 'super tasters' and medium amounts 'tasters' and those with few big blotchy ones were called 'non-tasters'.  Each of them totally valid for the person whose tongue we were looking at.

We tried different taste sensation like bitterness from caffeine, or sweetness from sugar.  Each taste was sensed from a different area of our mouth.

The lesson we learned was we are all physiologically different.  What tastes good to you may not taste good to me; so make sure you put at least 3-different wines on the table to try and please everyone!

You can see where this is going, if you like a wine reviewers taste then you will like his wines, no matter how he measures his taste in the wine, you both have a similar set of physiological taste buds and olfactory sensory apparatus.

So it's not too hard to understand that audio senses are also interpreted to some degree based on lots of physical inputs and from most importantly life experiences.  We could never understand why the teachers promoted the old school European wines over the fruit forward California ones, until we had enough tastes under our belts to gain a base-line of understanding from which our sensory evaluation could take place.

Thus no matter how many types of audio equipment one may listen to or measure, if you don't have the same taste in sound as the reviewer then it matters not because like it or not sound is an interpreted experience.

Trust me we put super expensive, super highly revered wines next to those that were not, and it was always the same thing, 30% liked, 30% did not like, %40 didn't care that much.

If you put 30 people in a sound testing environment, good math and statistics will tell you the same spread will recur over and over, cost is irrelevant, and personal choice is all that matters.

So, find a reviewer that has your taste in sound and follow them.


Cheers Mate

Why?  Set up the test.  Show the people here that they can't tell the difference between high res and CD as you like to claim.

Umm, where did I claim that? Plus its a fools errand to seek negative proof, not mine. I'm far more interested in you demonstrating that you can, especially with someone else running the test. Sans any view of the signal analyzers of course 😉.

I see where you got confused.  Almost all of the ASR video content has the analyzer in the background.  None of these tests were run during that video.  Every test I have been showing predate my youtube channel by 5 or more years (see the dates in ABX tests and the ones for videos).  In the video, I am just showing the results, not running them then.  This should have been quite obvious.

Ok, so you confirm those are indeed signal analyzers, Oscilloscopes etc that could theoretically real time analyze and identify signals, visibly. Cool.

As such, your claim that I had an analyzer running at the same time of the ABX testing is totally false. 

Well, there is no way for us to know that definitively now, is there?

That's why you didn't grade your own Math tests in school (and score 100% all the time!). It's good to have independent oversight.

Pick a component to test an upgrade , in your own system room, let say an amplifier...

Let say you are not a fool you read the specsof the seller before buying to know if this amp, will pair well with your dac and speakers...

Let say you are not a fool and you read before buying Amir measures just to be sure that the specs about this amp are confirmed by an independant tester...

Let say you know well your dac, your speakers and room and your old amp working BEFORE replacing by the amp you just bought ...

Let say you know the definition of timbre in acoustic...

Let say that not only you know this definition of timbre but you are able to improve it or degrade it by just playing with the materials passive treatment in your room and the ratio absorbtion/diffusion and their optimal location and the timing of the reflective surfaces...

For those who dont know HOW COMPLEX the acoustic definition and perception of timbre is here the main factors :

"For example, J. F. Schouten (1968, 42) describes the "elusive attributes of timbre" as "determined by at least five major acoustic parameters", which Robert Erickson finds, "scaled to the concerns of much contemporary music":[4]

  1. Range between tonal and noiselike character
  2. Spectral envelope
  3. Time envelope in terms of rise, duration, and decay (ADSR, which stands for "attack, decay, sustain, release")
  4. Changes both of spectral envelope (formant-glide) and fundamental frequency (micro-intonation)
  5. Prefix, or onset of a sound, quite dissimilar to the ensuing lasting vibration" WIKIPEDIA
Now let say that because you played 1 year non stop in your room , you know how to experiment to modify all these factors as a piano tuner tune a piano...It is not perfect at all but you can perceive the different factors effects...
it is not finished yet ...
Timbre expression is ONLY ONE FACTOR inside the soundfield...
There is FOUR others factors of the soundfield itself... Most people know only two of these factors...
And remember this : NOBODY CAN PERCEIVE SOMETHING CLEARLY WITHOUT A CONCEPT FOR THIS PERCEIVED PHENOMENON... this is true for any type of phenomenin, for example light phenomenon in a prism as in the Goethe Newton debate... It is the same in acoustic... WE NEED THE RIGHT CONCEPTS FOR A CLEAR AND NON CONFUSED PERCEPTION ... Only UNINFORMED people think that the perception of audible phenomenon is only conditioned by acuity test in hertz and decibels quantities and level ... This is pure ignorance of psycho-acoustic... This is why hearing impauirment research is based not only on linear time independant Fourier theory of hearing but also on ECOLOGICAL theory of hearing...Experiments as those put together By Magnasco and Oppenheim indicated precisely that...
Not let say that the FOUR factor of the soundfield are:

---- DIFFERENTIATING IMAGING....It is the way sound sources are differentiated one from another laterally and in detph...

Only knowing that is not enough because to understand it we must be able to create it and modify it in a room...
----Then the other factor is the MAGNITUDE from smaller to bigger of SOUNDSTAGING THREE DIMENSIONS encompassing all imaging sound sources...
-----Then the most ignored and the most misunderstood factor of the soundfield : the EXTENT HOLOGRAPHIC VOLUME of each sound sources... This include the dynamical details of the micro intonation inside EACH sound source...
----- IMMERSIVENESS or the ratio between the three factors above of the soundfield and the listener , it is the ratio sound source and listener envelopment called ASW/LV ..
This factor could be only an abstract fiction for someone unable to create it in a room , and this factor is perfectly described in acoustic experiments by precise disposition about the reflective timing of the waves and their direction ratio...
How did i know this extent holographic volume concept for example ? it is because i experimented with it in my room in experiments for one years with an oriented grid of Helmholtz resonators not only material passive treatment ...And luckily the only headphone i know able to give a "gist" or a "taste" of it is my modified AKG K340 created by a genius in acoustic and never surpassed as a hybrid headphone... ( Kennerton try to create one but quit the research because of cost and complexities)
Now let say that Amir brag about his small set of linear measures of amplifier or dac or even speakers...
I already criticized the IMPOSSIBILITY to extend from this small set of linear measures, created to verify the well behaviour of circuits in dac and amplifier , the impossibility to extend this set of Fourier measures about abstract concepts as , frequencies, amplitude, phase and duration , to EXTRAPOLATE them to audible CONCRETE QUALITIES be it musical, or speech qualities or natural sound perception by humans because the ears brain work not in independant time direction at all, but he works in his time dependant way ( then the brain perceive rise and decay he does not do well if we reverse the time direction in decay and rise as we can do with Fourier linear mapping of the audible territory ) he does not work linearly, which imply that a stimulus at some decibel level or at some hertz level WILL NEVER BE PERCEIVED as a simple increase of this stimulus by the same amount by the ears brain which will perceive them in a NON LINEARLY way ...
Now let say that Amir, who always want proof and in reality the only proof he understand are the simple measures his tool give him, let say that Amir claim he has proof that his linear set of measures warrant ALL ASPECTS of sound qualities; how Amir can PROVE to us that his measures will be able to predict not only the 5 factors of timbre but the 4 factors of the soundfield ?
Anybody in his right mind know that extrapolating from the frequencies response of speakers and analysing their axis wave forms, cannot predict their exact behaviour in different living room for different ears or in an acoustic room, we must listen to them to know...But for dac and amplifier the way they will help to create the 5 factors of timbre and the 4 factors of the soundfield by looking at measures, ( these meassures are designed to describe the well behaviour of circuits or component in a Fourier linear way making each component behaviour so predictible that it will pair well ELECTRICALLY with another component), these measures HAd NOTHING TO DO WITH THE EARS /BRAIN BEHAVIOUR PERCEIVING THESE FACTORS NON LINEARLY In his own time domain IN A LIVING ROOM OR IN AN ACOUSTIC ROOM...
Amir market his reviews as the ONLY ONE which we can trust, ( i trust them ) and he market his set of measures as ACOUSTIC truth which is erroneous and i did not trust this claim at all ... Why ?
Because the measured electric field of some component or circuit does not by themselves simply equate =the acoustically measured Fourier field IN A ROOM and this acousticcaly analysed Fourier field in a ROOM does not equate = the psycho-acoustic working of the brain non linearly and in his time dependant domain... Do you catch WHY IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO REDUCE QUALITIES AS WHOLE TO ABSTRACT MEASURED NUMBERS or abstract concepts linearly related... So good ansd useful the Fourier maps are they are not the audible perceived ears/brain teritory... Psycho-acoustic science is not a science setlled yet and reducible to physical acoustic and electricity... We can correlate some measures wiith perceived quality as in the psycho-acoustic experiment of Magnasco and Oppenheim, but this experiment prove that all claims by Amir equating electrical measures with audible qualities is a TECHNOLOGICAL ABUSE motivated by marketing imperatives not science...

Blind test had nothing to do directly with a training of the ears in music , or in acoustic implicating an incremental thousand listening experiments all INTERRELATED to give at the end an acoustic room , not a perfect one, but an incredible one able to give me all factors of a good musical experience...

An acoustic concept as holography, listener envelopment or timbre cannot be perceived only for the reason young ears are able to take an audiologist test...The young person must learn the concept before perceiving the complex object , being it timbre or holography, acuity is not enough at all...

These concept must be understood by EXPERINMENTS in a room and then to be under the control of the ears/brain imposing the right acoustic constraints to create them or controlling them... A room is like the varying lense of microscope, it is the variation of the acoustic conditions that make you able to FOCUS on the right aspect of the phenomenon... Then imposing blind test to an acoustician or a musician is a valid test in experimental psycho-acoustic , but the way Amir use this valid test is a kind of abuse against people And his bragging about audiology test resemble a teen bragging...... Not science... When i did my room acoustic and tuning i was already old, and my ears was not the same as 40 years ago... But my ears are healthy for a man of my age and i learned and created the room acoustic so imperfect it was, i created it FOR ME , not as a MODEL IDEAL room for all ears and PERFECT... But so imperfect it can be i can aussure you that there is no relation with the same speakers inside the room between before and after the completion of the process... This was the goal... LEARNING ACOUSTIC was the goal too... And in this i learned why audio is based on psycho-acoustic , not on the electrical measures of Amir...


Yeah @amir_asr your posted results for the listening test are meaningless and unverifiable. No way to know you did that unless it was proctored like @soundfield says 

Your analogy has a very relative level of validity, but at the end WINE TASTING is not acoustic... A piece of gear well designed by electrical measures is not wine...No more than the measures of piece of gear replace the ears/brain working metaphorically described as "tasting" ...

Why ?

Taste more than touch or more than hearing or seeing is related to our INDIVIDUAL UNIQUE BIO CHEMISTRY AND METABOLISM...Taste is subjective completely... Wine taster are trained to identify wine component and describe them ( soil composition and chemistry of the plant ) not to suppress our individual preferences in wine born from our own personal metabolism chemistry...

Because we can use our ears/brain to see by echolocation if we become blind...If hearing was intimate and individualized as taste we will not be able to trust it OBJECTIVELY... And we will not be able to train the new blind objectively in a course designed to do it WITHOUT ERRORS ... WE SEE WITH OUR EARS...

Also the acoustic conditions in a room are OBJECTIVE factors we can control to please or displease OBJECTIVELY any musician trained to recognize accurate timbre experience..

Also our survival as species trained us to RECOGNIZE  objective speech sound in all condition in an optimal way... Why ? because our survival can depend on reflex based on ONE WORD COMMAND...This recognition obey objective working of the brain in objective natural condition...

Also acoustic physical concepts can be measured, and each qualitative attribute of sounds can be studied objectively and can be described objectively even when they are SUBJECTIVELY evaluated in psycho-acoustic ...Psycho-acoustic is based on subject-object optimal correlation...



Hi Chayro,

Sensory Evaluation classes in the Wine Industry teach us that the olfactory sense of smell is interpreted; the only one of our senses that is not ’technically’ hard-wired.

Some humans can be ’trained’ to distinguish up to 1,000 different smells.

Each humans mouth, nose etc. are different. For example when we would place and old 3-ring binder life-saver on our tongues and place a small drop of blue dye in the middle hole we could count the taste buds in the center of the life-saver-shaped hole. Those who had lots of little taste buds were ’super tasters’ and medium amounts ’tasters’ and those with few big blotchy ones were called ’non-tasters’. Each of them totally valid for the person whose tongue we were looking at.

We tried different taste sensation like bitterness from caffeine, or sweetness from sugar. Each taste was sensed from a different area of our mouth.

The lesson we learned was we are all physiologically different. What tastes good to you may not taste good to me; so make sure you put at least 3-different wines on the table to try and please everyone!

You can see where this is going, if you like a wine reviewers taste then you will like his wines, no matter how he measures his taste in the wine, you both have a similar set of physiological taste buds and olfactory sensory apparatus.

So it’s not too hard to understand that audio senses are also interpreted to some degree based on lots of physical inputs and from most importantly life experiences. We could never understand why the teachers promoted the old school European wines over the fruit forward California ones, until we had enough tastes under our belts to gain a base-line of understanding from which our sensory evaluation could take place.

Thus no matter how many types of audio equipment one may listen to or measure, if you don’t have the same taste in sound as the reviewer then it matters not because like it or not sound is an interpreted experience.

Trust me we put super expensive, super highly revered wines next to those that were not, and it was always the same thing, 30% liked, 30% did not like, %40 didn’t care that much.

If you put 30 people in a sound testing environment, good math and statistics will tell you the same spread will recur over and over, cost is irrelevant, and personal choice is all that matters.

So, find a reviewer that has your taste in sound and follow them.


Cheers Mate