'dimple' tweeter fix

Hi.I have kept my Dynaudio audience 52SE in a box for a while now. Reason, was my then 2 y.o son was beginning to be inquisitive and he poked the tweeter, hence I have BOTH tweeter with 'dimple'. I've been using my KESTREL's and kinda miss the clarity and dynamic of the 52SE..

So, anyone has an idea how to do it? how much is the parts or where can I buy them (for cheaper than dealer)? any vid around if someone already did this?

.. its an esotar 2 tweeter IIRC

Vacuum cleaner suction can be tricky, placed too close and the strength of the suction could displace the voice coil. I suggest getting a cardboard tube from an empty paper towel roll, placing one end over the dimpled driver, and placing your lips inside the other end, and then gently suck. Works like a charm most of the time.
Unsound got it right! Or skip the tube tube altogether, and simply put your lips gently around the tweeter's dome and suck gently ;-)
Those Dynaudio tweeters must look like clown noses to young kids. A friend's 3-year old poked my Dynaudio Contour 3.0 tweeter. He saw it, extended his index finger, and made a beeline from ten feet. Irresistible! But he was the only one laughing. I fixed it by bending a right angle with needlenose pliers in very tip of a pin, barely snagging the fabric in the deepest point of the dent, and gently pulling. The dent popped right out with no damage. Good luck!