But quantum entanglement has no practical applicability to music reproduction today.
Who said it did?
I pointed out: the phenomenon of information being instantaniously transmitted between entangled particles, has been accepted by Physicists, for decades.
ie: Even Einstein recognized the phenomenon, referrring to it as, "spooky action at a distance", 80 years ago.
I could have as easily used the phenomenon of a Bumblebee's ability to fly and that being accepted without explanation by the World's best Aeronautical and/or Aerospace Engineers, until Fluid Dynamics was developed. Only then could Dickinson use that science, to model how it could lift that fat butt into the air, with those tiny wings (circa 2005).
Another example might be why humans can smell/differentiate a vast multitude of odors*, with only something like 400 nasal receptors.
*some say 10K, some: a trillion.
21st Century experimentation in Quantum science says it's likely that our noses are actually listening to and recognizing the frequencies/sounds, generated by atoms and molecules, via quantum tunneling.
ie: https://blog.donders.ru.nl/?p=11552&lang=en
AGAIN, the point being: no one has all the answers, or can make definitive statements.
Are you really so obtuse?