Responses from richardbrand
Directional wires/cables @rodman99999 Were it the DC voltage/current, from an amp's power supply, modulated by the amp's output devices, into an amplified musical signal; it would appear much more complex, but: still a sinusoidal wave The musical signal is more than ... | |
Directional wires/cables @jea48 I think the answer is instantly. The switch is opened, Games over. This was in response to what happens when a light is switched off, and of course the answer given is so wrong on so many levels! When the light is on, it is because po... | |
Directional wires/cables @herman The AC signal that is transferring energy from the source to the load (amp to speaker for example) is NOT doing so by moving electrons from the source to the load. Electrons are NOT flowing down the wire like water through a hose. Think... | |
DAC break-in question @audphile1 The analog stage is on but there will be no signal on the analog outs from the DAC if the amp the DAC is connected to is off. Surely the analog out will carry the output signal, presented as a voltage? This will be a line-level si... | |
Directional wires/cables Stereo equipment is DC, which is a directional current Of all the stuff written here, this I follow the least, but there are plenty of other contenders! DC refers to Direct Current, that is to say it only flows in one direction. Sure, our equ... | |
I should start with speakers. This I know. I’d like to establish a new system. If I was starting from scratch, and just wanted streaming, i'd look at active speakers from KEF. Then you won't have to worry about bi- or tri-amplification, interconnect cables, speaker cables or much else. Because they approximate point source... | |
Removing stylus from Shure V15 Type III @lewm Thanks for your help. The more I think about this, the more I am convinced that 192-VN35E refers to the shape of the cartridge body and should specifically match the Shure V15 type III, which for me is correct. The added complexity comes... | |
Removing stylus from Shure V15 Type III @ghdprentice Thanks, that has been really helpful! Looks to me as if the NUDE styli are available in three variations: NUDE Conical, NUDE Elliptical, and NUDE Mono. I am guessing the NUDE mono is for playing 78s and the other rwo have round a... | |
Removing stylus from Shure V15 Type III The slow boat from Japan turned out to be a plane. My Jico stylus arrived just a week after ordering, but I am not sure it is the one I ordered. The order clearly states JICO 192-VN35E (SAS/B) but the packaging just says NUDE 192-VN35E and the i... | |
"...and I don't take any advertiser money..." I grew up in the UK with the Gramophone magazine. Its primary purpose is reviewing classical music, first on records, then on digital media. It has been going for over 100 years. It devoted a couple of pages per issue to reviewing playback equip... | |
Removing stylus from Shure V15 Type III @stereo5 Can I ask what stylus shape you have on your AT VM540? Thanks ... | |
What is the true impact of power supply differences - Japan, US, Australia? All General Purpose Outlets in Australia have three pins - live, neutral and earth. So every audio component is connected to 'earth' unless it is deemed to be double insulated in which case the earth is disconnected. In rural locations, the powe... | |
Removing stylus from Shure V15 Type III @stereo5 I am not certain whether I found this site before or after I discovered the Jico stylus, but contributors on this site confirmed for me that it would be worth having. First time I tried to buy one, it was the same price as a complete A... | |
Dumb question......why do you need a preamp? @erik_squires A good example of having separates is an electrostatic speaker Can you explain what this means, please? | |
physiology and psychology of hearing @curiousjim I can tell one note from another, I’ve been getting this high pitched noise in my ears and if it keeps getting louder I might not be able to hear any notes.☹️ My experience may give you some hope, but there's no guarantees. About ... |