Directionality Explained

I have read it argued against by those who think they know
Here is proof
Paul Speltz Founder of ANTICABLES shares his thoughts about wire directionality. Dear Fellow Audiophiles, As an electronic engineer, I struggled years ago with the idea of wire being directional because it did not fit into any of the electrical models I had learned. It simply did not make sense to me that an alternating music signal should favor a direction in a conductor. One of the great things about our audio hobby is that we are able to hear things well before we can explain them; and just because we can’t explain something, doesn't mean that it is not real.
I think human hearing is just to complicated to be analyzed by just one or two numbers.  
Instruments cannot capture the entire event in any way approaching how we hear. They can only capture a pre determined aspect of a sound. 
Quote-"I believe that there are aspects of hearing that machines do not measure"
At the current time I am sure that we are not even asking the "correct" questions. And without those questions how do you measure? What do you measure? What scale is to be used?
Do we really ever use simply "one’, sense at a time? What about that pesky, "Sixth" sense?
How much of a role does "individual perception", play? 
Simply one’s mood can change any "perception". Hence how does that variable factor? 
And in how many ways? New scale?
On and on and on.
Let alone the design of any apparatus to help us measure, "quantify", in any meaningful way or even just to "qualify" in any way at all? Any result?
It Is therefore currently beyond our capabilities. But that shall not be true forever. It could be a relatively long wait though, "In case you happen to be in a hurried state".
At least we are having this discussion. Which would never have taken place even a few decades before now. And "This", IS indeed part of the process!
No less important than any other part. "And quite possibly more important than many others".

Your "involvement", in this thread, has moved "Human Understanding" forward.
By approximately "one", (standard), "iota"!
Shall we go for two?
I have to say it is a bit naive to think one can make some basic measurements of the cables and then trying to correlate that to human perception of music ... just saying.  
Oh dear, oh my... 
Talking about now finding a (my) new hang up. 
Directionalism. Hmph! 🤪

It was suggest somewhere here before, like keep turning them speaker cables' round (an' round it goes...) and THEN 'report' back here, forst any more is ventured, um. 

Dang, like are you now a true believer of the one or other here disputed persuation...? 

Guess what, I now clearly realised having this here psychological block in doing ANY of the sort. At ALL.
Period. Amen. Basta. Genug. 🤪

Lest I'd have reason to setup a post 📯 on #metoo! 🙈 

Where does that leave ME?
Quite mentally balanced and contented, despite not knowing squat about the effects of directionality. Why, cause I's not goin' against da flow. That's why! 🤞👋

Get some peace of mind I say, follow the writing, alternatively the chevrons on a sleeve (if you got any) and if all fails, the - > whats name dinges, if you the proud ower of an electron microscope 🔬 <- this ain't good enough, I dare say. 😅

Then if you so wish, come back and tell the tale, otherwise... just enjoy the result, AND of course your new found mucical experience, what ever the result. 🎶 🎵🎶 🎷🎻🎸🎹💃

Meanwhile I'm happy to nurse my ignorance on the sunject. 🤷‍♂️ 

Best Michélle 🇿🇦 