Speaking of Bee Gees, they truly had a split personality, in some musical sense. Compare Odessa with Saturday Night Fever and it cannot be more different. The only consistency is that, I think, both are brilliant in their own right.
To add to tyray’s post above, all of you girls/guys have nice systems. Get Al Green’s Let’s stay together album (vinyl, if you can, but anything will do), dim the lights, play How can you mend a broken heart, and come back here and make fun of Bee Gees. If you can, that is.
As a bonus, you could also try Rod Stewart (with Booker T.) and To love somebody. You will be treated to a performance by the man who sang Da ya think I’m sexy singing song written by Bee Gees. Double whammy.
To add to tyray’s post above, all of you girls/guys have nice systems. Get Al Green’s Let’s stay together album (vinyl, if you can, but anything will do), dim the lights, play How can you mend a broken heart, and come back here and make fun of Bee Gees. If you can, that is.
As a bonus, you could also try Rod Stewart (with Booker T.) and To love somebody. You will be treated to a performance by the man who sang Da ya think I’m sexy singing song written by Bee Gees. Double whammy.