DK Design Review

Strange silence on the recent DK Design review considering all the comments previously about this integrated.

Showing 14 responses by gunbei

Actually, I wouldn't mind having a Honda S2000 with 18s, but I wouldn't put Bridgestone Potenza SO3s on them. Too damn noisy!

IMHO, modern Porsches lack driving soul. You know what era 911 I like Ellery! I'd rather have a Cayman than a new 911.

Hondas are made for driving enthusiasts!

Sometimes when I get really busy with work and am away from the 'Gon for a few months, luckily for me guys like you will email me 'Gon threads I should take a look at. Did someone send you a wake up call? Heheh.


Audiogon is actually pretty tame compared to some of the other forums out there. Much has to do with who's participating. If you want to see brutal, go to a car forum or one centered on combat sports like MMA. Those get personal immediately. One of the craziest I witnessed was a Valentine versus Escort radar detector debate. Battle royal was more like it!

I try to add that Groove Tube/Kentucky Fried Movie perspective to my posts on the 'Gon, heheh.
The manufacturer's response to Brian's review reminds me how all too often it is forgotten that no one product is the best and everyone has different tastes.

I'm glad DK has found a market.
I agree Brian, it always rubs me the wrong way when a manufacturer feels compelled to add comments to a review they aren't happy with. And to place blame on possible faulty internal wiring doesn't help the reputation of their Q.C. either.
In over five years here, I have never seen a more sensitive group than the DK nuthuggers. Why do you care so much what others think?
Nicely put. Pretty much my observations as well, John.

Now, If you had bashed Hondas, I would have had to thump ya! Heheh.
Actually, I'm surprised more companies don't utilize a similar approach to DK's of combining a tube preamp section with high powered solid state output. I have enjoyed this combo with different separates for many years.
It makes sense that BAT offers a hybrid integrated since they design both solid state and tube preamps and amps. Blue Circle and Unison Research have hybrid integrateds too. I'm still surprised there aren't more.

Maybe it's because the decision to offer tube or solid state components takes a fundamentally different mindset from the standpoint of taste and preference. Maybe it's because the designers behind components like 47 Labs, Sun Audio, Channel Island Audio, Audio Mirror, Manley, deHavilland, Rogue Audio, First Sound, etc. build pieces that will present music the way THEY would want to hear it and that a hybrid design to them lacks the purity or compromises each extreme. I don't know, I'm just a ramblin'!
Definitely sounds like something someone very new to high end audio would say.
Well, I think Mark has made a very good and balanced summary of the whole DK matter and even hobbyists in general. Definitely a first for a DK owner/promoter new to Audiogon. I know his post won't settle the issue, but it makes me feel a whole lot better about it. Thanks!
Stepping back a bit, it's funny to read that a piece of electronics that costs $9000 is a "good Value". Try convincing some poor college kid surviving on Cup-O-Noodlles of that. But then again that's what this hobby does to us. Along with heightening our listening pleasure it also raises our level of fiscal tolerance.
"Just because it is expensive doesn't mean it can't be a good value".

Very true. We all define "good value" differently.