Do any of these interest you at all? (If you had the money)(Which I don't)

I do have the money, but none of them intrest 73 years old, my hearing has fallen off by approximately 70% (and even with hearing aids) i could not appreciate how great these speakers (must) sound.  In addition to this i have a very small listening room, that could not accommodate most of these.
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just spend your entire speaker budget on the best Canton speakers you can afford.
mantaman, if I follow in my father's footsteps I will wind up the same way,
Fairly wealthy and deaf as a door knob. My plan is to use my system like giant hearing aids. Room control will become head control and I already have the power and soon the speaker to put out an easy 110 dB so I can destroy whatever hearing I have left:) You have to have a really good sense of humor to grow old gracefully. 
You young guys out there, don't forget to warm up your ears before you crank it up!
A very interesting list of speakers.
Even if I had the money and space, there are speakers available at a fraction of the cost of the least expensive of these, that I would choose over any of the ridiculously priced speakers on this list.......Jim