Do Audio Hobbyists Commonly Fail to Fully Utilize Their Systems?

This question is polite way of asking: How many of us spend big bucks to secure the best sound we can, only to misuse or under use our equipment? IF my personal experience is anything to go by (probably not typical) many times I've done something purely ignorant which resulted in an otherwise decent system failing to perform as it could if well connected? My error in my SVS sub settings is a perfect example. This morning the timbre and soundstage is unlike I've ever heard from this chair. For a year at least I had two filters fighting each other squashing my tunes! Audiogon forums are often assessed to cure perceived problems by members however, what one doesn't know CAN harm you! (your sound that is).My short list of crazy stupid isn't by any means limited to the subwoofer setting error. A short list includes wrong tubes in wrong places, modem and router WAY TOO close to amp, speakers overly toed`in, and the list goes on...Its probably impossible to believe but apparently some of us need a "systems check up"! Wishful thinking I suppose but you know there's others who have invested hundreds if not thousands only to produce B~ sound.  Check list? "FIND WEAKEST LINK HOTLINE"? Ideas?



I myself have to take the hobby one day at a time. And maybe each time out with it, I have to recommit.

But, I never sweat the mistakes. In fact I choose to learn everything I can from them. Been an audiophile for more than 50 yrs now, and the road to my success at it has been paved with far more of my mistakes than successes.

Mostly, I think that’s all this endeavor really is, a game of mistakes.

My success at system building has been a game of eliminating all the mistakes in the setup that I’m aware of. And yet my road getting there was paved on my embracing all the mistakes I made - every step of the way. But, if I had never kept track of those mistakes, one way or another, from the start, I never could’ve put myself in the position of being able to remove them in the end result.

The more years pass, the more value my mistakes have had to me, after all, I now have a lot more experience at making them than most, lol

But every mistake remembered, is a mistake averted, somewhere down the line.

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I discovered after thinking hard and reading & experimenting   that what we bought dont matter compared to  the synergy factor because it is all in relation with our budget anyway...Then synergy is the first necessity...

 What matter after  is mechanical,electrical and especially acoustics control...

We must study and experiment... It is way more fun than buying...

I am proud of my system because i designed it  as much as those who created the part...





Agreed @mahgister 

Buying is the first step and while the synergy will take one a long way, it won't go the full distance for us on its own. At some point, we then we begin the process (that you champion so well) of attempting to unravel the mysteries of our systems' behavior and their interactions with our rooms - all that, in turn, becoming what takes us the rest of the way.

My own experience taught me that many people if not most had not the faintest idea about how to improve their system.

They think about buying "better" and costlier...

They talk cables and better dac , buying subwoofers etc...

Nothing bad about buying subwoofers or cables or dac...

 But before doing this it is mandatory to learn how to control vibrations/resonance, electrical noise floor and  acoustical spatial qualities and timbre performance of the speakers/room..

No sellers of gear will say that...

The race to always costlier gear is up to your budget level availability...

For most people this is impossible and anyway in my opinion illusory in many case...

How can we judge our system  potential if we do not control it ?