Old thread and ancient topic, but my .02...........Worked on top shelf military electronics for 45 years and we never worried about "better"
cables until well up into the Ghz range.............Any cable, properly designed and terminated for the prescribed use should easily pass any electrical signals passing through it, period. Can cables sound "different" ? I guess they can or people wouldn't spend ridiculous sums for them. I suppose it comes down to your money, your choice, but I honestly think there are far better ways to improve your system sound than mega-buck wires.....................it is after all, simply wire with a dielectric. It should do nothing more than transfer a signal from point A to B.............If you have money to burn and it makes you happy, enjoy.
cables until well up into the Ghz range.............Any cable, properly designed and terminated for the prescribed use should easily pass any electrical signals passing through it, period. Can cables sound "different" ? I guess they can or people wouldn't spend ridiculous sums for them. I suppose it comes down to your money, your choice, but I honestly think there are far better ways to improve your system sound than mega-buck wires.....................it is after all, simply wire with a dielectric. It should do nothing more than transfer a signal from point A to B.............If you have money to burn and it makes you happy, enjoy.