Do I need a machine to clean ?

Are there any benefits to purchasing a NittyGritty or another type of machine to clean my LP's ?
Are these any better than cleaning by hand with the disc docter brush and solvent ?
Also, are there differences in performance amongst the machines ? Does the manual model work just as well as the automatic model?
Thanks, Scott
Phoutin - the Nitty Gritty machine requires very little maintenance. Mine has an automatic fluid dispenser, but I don't use it. I keep a plastic, six ounce container next to the machine and just squirt a little bit of cleaning fluid on the cleaning pads. Then I put the LP on the machine, turn on the machine, which slowly rotates the record's surface over the wet pads. After a couple of revolutions, I switch on the vacuum, and as the LP continues to turn, the fluid and dirt are sucked away. Flip over the LP and repeat the process.

The fluid is caught is a shallow tray, which I empty every week or so. Other than emptying the tray (which takes about 30 seconds) and periodically replacing the pads (once every month or two) and the rubber capstan (once a year or so), there is no maintenance.
Thanks Rshak- very desirable indeed. Changing pads every month or two... I wonder how many records does that come up to ? and what would the replacing pads and rubber capstan cost ?
Phoutin - over the past few months on average I've been cleaning about 10 LPs per week. I last changed the vac-sweep pad about two months ago, and it's time again. So - - figure a pad lasts 75 cleanings or thereabouts.

The pads come in packs of four (4) for about $15. The rubber capstans also come in packs of four (4) and (as I recall) cost about $20 per pack.