Do I need a subwoofer?

Hopefully I’ve framed this in a way to help people answer. Up until recently I have had a combo 2-channel/home theater system (Krell preamp with home theater bypass, Bryston 5 channel amp, PSB Synchrony 1s bi-amped speakers, Marantz home theater receiver, Power Sound Audio XV15 subwoofer, Oppo CD player). I wanted extra oomph for surround sound movie watching and occasionally some rock music, hence the sub. I was never really impressed with the XV15 sub (have it for sale now). It is insanely large and I wasn’t sure it was adding the oomph I expected, even after having a local hifi shop owner come out for a listen and tune.

What’s changed: A few weeks ago I inherited my late father’s B&W 801 speakers circa 1980, which I have put in place of my PSBs and am enjoying thoroughly despite the age difference.

My questions: (1) would a sub still be of value in my setup (I still like a lot of bass) and (2) what might folks recommend?


Thank you.


In addition to adding bass, properly set up subs will also greatly improve imaging and expand the soundstage.  I’d recommend trying a pair of SVS SB1000 Pro subs you can get for under $1000 (they were running a sale recently but not sure if it’s still going) that are relatively small but will still get you down to an honest 20Hz and also offer integration software to help you get them dialed in properly.  And yes, you want two, not one sub — huge improvement.  SVS offers a generous and truly risk-free, in-home trial so if they don’t transform your system you can simply return them but highly doubt you will.  Hope this helps, and best of luck. 

Those 15" woofers ought to be giving you plenty without potentially adding mud.

Perhaps, if space allows, go for the non-directional multi-sub ’swarm’ solution. Then you add a room filling BASE of bass, which transcends up to directional bass from those 15" woofer’s emanation of low primary and their overtones which reinforce directional cues.

You might think: add the sub(s) ONLY for Video. My small HT, not what you are dealing with, I have a single self-powered sub, I keep the crossover set low, essentially just add something for Jurassic Park Dinosaur Stomp, not aware of it unless it is off.

On for music, no room or budget for swarm, a stereo pair of self-powered subs, no ports (or front port only), located adjacent to the mains.


All - this is super helpful. I am enjoying being back in the research game after years doing nothing to my system (looking to replace my preamp, too - that's a different story). The SVS line looks like a good place to start.

@erik_squires That was a nicely written piece. Very informative. Room treatments has been something I have lacked in.