Thank you for folks with interest and helpful advice
not: @fuzztone Why you have to be so nasty? You have no idea what my room is like and my set up. please go away....You are part of the problem. ignoring you from now on....
@jl35 (and others). I tried know, sound quality is good. But playlist and other aspects of music choice/varfiety/playlists are also important to me. I did not want to do Spotify but frankly it works and works well. It overcomes l the 5% or so quality loss.
@audphile1 (and others) I have a Chord Quest and a good McIntosh system in this room with Totem speakers
I'm not a tech guy, but the files served from Spotify (or Qubox or Tidal) on my iPad seems to show same bit rate and depth. (44/16 etc ) on my DAC. So is a separate streamer just for really really good systems that can hear that final 1-3% of sublime music? (I may not be that audiophile)