Do larger planar speakers produce more accurate sound?

Planar speakers generate sound pressure via vibrating membrane panels. The excursion of the membrane x radiating area= sound pressure. This would mean that for a given sound level, membranes have smaller excursion in larger planar speakers than in smaller ones. Does this mean that larger speakers will produce more accurate sound?

I am not talking about the obvious benefits of the larger speakers in terms of low frequency production, so let's not get into that.


what @jjss49 said!

FWIW, I own Soundlabs and previously owned Quads, heard a million Maggies in many systems. 

Small planar = no bass. That's why so many have tried cone woofer hybrids, 

I own M545 Sound Labs and with Bass focus, it has plenty of bass. I am not a bass freak and I don't listen to rock. I am thinking about moving to a bigger room. The question is Quad 2912 or bigger Sound Lab?

Hi @chungjh  

I am thinking about moving to a bigger room. The question is Quad 2912 or bigger Sound Lab?

That (obviously) begs the question: how big a room?

Since you asked for an opinion, mine is to go with the next model up (745) in the SL lineup. It will definitely fill the room up and if you listen to orchestral music, it will definitely offer a more plausible simulation of a full orchestra. 

I like what I've heard of the Quad, but IMO it's no match...