Do modems / routers matter (beyond speed)

My cousin has a brand new Cambridge Audio streamer, which he's using wirelessly. He asked me if a wired connection would yield improvement in sound, and I had never considered as I don't have the option to do so in my house. He told me his router is about 5 years old, but is getting 50 mbps download speed. He has a Cambridge Integrated (CXA 80) and paradigm prestige 85 speakers.   His modem/ router is in a different part off his house so he cannot simply test this, so curious what others have seen, and whether with his equipment it would be noticeable.
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To play back CD quality audio needs around 20 mbps, assuming the connection is solid, and no one else is using the available bandwidth.

Any more than that and you won't have the bandwidth. 

50 mbps sounds very low however. Check his signal for strength and contention.  Android/Apple and laptops have apps available which let you check this.  Routers tend to not do a very good job of spreading themselves out, so if you find open channels and can move his channel you can see great improvements.

If the problem is simply that the router is too far and he can't improve this, then I suggest a mesh style router like this one:

Another way in which a modern router can help is that 5 GHz signals may suffer less contention.  Depends where you are, but right here, I have 20 or something 2 GHz wifi signals around me and ZERO other 5 GHz signals.

Yeah, unfortunately everything in audio matters at some level.  The question then becomes where the biggest bottleneck to better performance lies.