Do speaker cables need a burn in period?

I have heard some say that speaker cables do need a 'burn in', and some say that its totally BS.
What say you?

Skeptics would argue the Moon landing was faked by Stanley Kubrick, commissioned by NASA, on the elaborate set of the lunar landscape, of his movie, Space Odyssey 2001, and they will point to many inconsistencies such as no background stars in the photos of the astronauts on the moon surface, the fact that the American flag is waving in the photos (no air on the Moon, hel-loo!) and that actually being able to send a manned rocket ship to the moon and land a man on its surface in a precalculated manner is obviously way beyond the technical capabilities of the 1960s, especially the hugely complicated and laborious orbital mechanics, transfer orbits included, and lack of super computers, which were best realized in the movie, The Martian with Matt Damon. Even on his deathbed Kubrick is rumored to have whispered, I faked the landing. I needed the money to pay for Space Odyssey.
Years from now Hollywood will make movies about a massive world wide conspiracy of cable burn in.  Many lives were destroyed.  Audiophiles husbands were separated from their wives.  Prof was incarcerated for fighting the conspiracy.
Mitch2 said:
"Ok, just so I am clear, what if the prior owner did in fact use the same make and model amp but.......different speakers???"

Everything has to be the same for your special speaker wires to perform as if they are "burned in". Amp, speakers, vitamins for your power source, etc. They all must match or the wire will sound just like any other ole new wire. When shopping for old  speaker wires, be sure to ask the seller how the wires were burned in.

Prof was incarcerated for fighting the conspiracy.

When you erect a monument in memory of my valorous fight, please get the likeness right - I look like a cross between prime era Clint Eastwood and Brad Pitt, if that helps  ;-)