Do true audiophiles own Mcintosh gear

It seems like all the high-end dealers I have bought from or talked to think that Mcintosh is living on it's past reputation. The 2 stores that carry it locally are more mid-fi stores than high-end. I have a friend that swears by it but he hasn't listened to his Mcintosh in over 2 years. What do you think?

I'd say the short answer is "Yes".

BUT perhaps one should define what is meant here by “True Audiophile” first. Eh?

Are audio nuts, (to supplant the aforementioned), only those who trudge the less traveled path? Buying only the esoteric and eclectic? Dwelling only in the neighborhood of one off makes, and back room productions?

Are they folks who simply pay far more than they should for audio gear, having items in their systems which preclude many from their purchase? I think snob would be a word best served were this purely the case.

Or are Audio nuts simply fanatics? Obsessed human beings which are chronically dissatisfied? Perpetually exchanging this for that and that for this, in order to acquire some perceived greater sonic bliss?

Or merely egomaniacs whose efforts are solely self effacing?

Or are audiophiles, yech, , those people who strive to gain the most performance from their audio systems? Those whose efforts are towards a sound which rivals the actual in it’s reproduction? Could it be they simply take great pride in matching the various aspects of a system to achieve an involving and exciting recreation of the sonic picture? Those people that do as best they can to simply put together something they feel is quite satisfying and enjoyable?

Just how much time, money, and attention to detail does a person have to invest to acquire the moniker ?

Beats me. I didn’t create the word. Nor do I like it’s connotation. Usually. Perhaps the genre should have classes. Some better definition more clearly separating audio hobbyist/enthusiasts into various levels of their neurosis or psychosis. . Like for example, A. A., B. A., & M. A..

The A.A. could be the Accidental Audiophile… which would be those persons who finding themselves in a reflective moment, exclaim, “I sure hadn’t planned on spending that much!”

The B.A. could be the Better than Audiophile that figures whatever winds up in his or her system is just Better than ______ .

The M.A. or Manic Audiophile would then be that group which finds themselves with more funds in their various systems than they have in their car or home.

Lastly, the PhD. A. The Phrustrated Audiophile which spans a broader category and contains those seemingly more experienced folk who contend their now system is not as good as one’s they owned previously and will need a lot more time and money to be ‘just right’!

But on the McIntosh owners being Audiophiles, per se.. Well, brand recognition is a big deal in sales, generally speaking. Brand loyalty is as well. when a maker like Mac has been around as long as they have there’s going to be a large following of previous Mac owners. Huge dealer network, OEM service, and after market resale. All of which keeps the name on many lips.

Audiophile status? Why not? That is always subjective.

I see Mac gear as a safe bet. Good quality. Yet pretty conservative stuff. Certainly in their line are those pieces which constitute high end performance and widespread appeal, and possessing new technology, as well as good build quality. Their availability for service, sales, and even refurbishing of older fare is surely a major statement… but THE preeminent maker of high end audio, and bleeding edge technology? I’d not go that far. A quality item in general? Yes, of course.

I would say this, if I did buy some McIntosh gear, it would be done with a great deal of confidence. I’d also shop around too, as I feel McIntosh is a tad over valued in my opinion, given their price to performance quotient…. But then, these days, what isn’t?

Maybe your friend, the McIntosh owner that isn’t driven to fuss and fiddle with his rig continually, is happy with It as is.

Isn’t that the goal? To wind up with something which needs nothing further to provide one regularly, much, by way of audio satisfaction?

I am envious of your McIntosh owning friend. he's sure saving lots of time and money on gear... and is side stepping the therapists couch too.
McIntosh owners are generally content with their equipment and are relieved to not be on the upgrade merry-go-round. Furthermore, the MC1201, MC501, MDA1000, MS300, MS750, MC275, and C1000 are all considered Best in Class.

This question was discussed here:
I have been infected with the audio bug for the last 50 or so years. I have always had some type of a audio system; some modest and some not. I have worked in the audio industry at the dealer level and sold the McIntosh line. I have owned both SS and valve systems of all brands and countries. Here is what I think: there are two types of audio people. The first likes to listen to equipment and the second likes to listen to music! The audiophile tends to be the former of the two and before the internet, they were the mainstay of the Hi-Fi industry; always upgrading or changing for one reason or another. Pick which one you are???? My 2 cents.
To a certain extent brands like Mac and B&W are living off their reputation. At most price points, a value minded buyer can find more for the dollar.

However, it is undeniable that both companies offer products of high build quality supported by an excellent distributor and retail network.

Oh yeah, IMO of course.