Do tube dampers really work?

Tube dampers are relatively cheap; but will they REALLY improve the sound of my Audible Illusions preamp?
Having just been told in no uncertain terms by several other Audiogoners (in another recent thread) that tube microphonics have been a non-issue since the 1940's, I hardly dare to raise my head here. But I can't resist. Lessee, you've a bunch of hairthin wire wrapped round and round some rather flimsy posts sticking up into free space, all wrapped up in a glass bottle. And this whole thing is guaranteed to be absolutely 100% impervious to vibration of any kind (not 99.9%, but 100%, mind you!). I ain't buying it, even if it's free.

If you really want to know for certain, take the cover off your tube preamp, turn on your system, turn the volume up, and twack the tubes nice and hard with your fingernail. Do you hear anything through your speakers? That will be pretty indicative of whether tube dampers will help or not. Disclaimer: DON'T TOUCH THE ELECTRICS inside the preamp!

If you try it, let us know what you find.
I'm using Mapleshade tube anchors on both my SuperIT phono stage and my CJ Premier 14 line stage. They're a pain in the neck to install but they REALLY improved the sound of my system.
Most definitely yes, but it does take some experimentation
to find the best items for a given system.
A friend of mine, who is a tube seller in Germany, test the Herbie's tube dampers in his own designed microphonic tester. He recorded a max of 6dB of microphonic level being reduced on a E88CC tube with the Herbie dampers.
Yes but you also have to add a weight to the top of the tube. There were a few companies selling these a few years back but you can make your own by going to the arts and craft store and buying some lead ribbon and making a little circle to fit on top of your tubes. Cheap and effective.