Do tubes matter beyond gain stage on preamp?

High end preamps such as VAC, CJ, VTL only use a couple tubes on gain stage - impacts harmonics of course.  Vs BAT and ARC who use 8.

Tube dealers confide that tubes beyond gain stage dont meaningfully impact sound, saying its what people want so its done.  

Not sure why power supply tubes in a preamp impact harmonics?  Maybe cause it cleans up power.  If input components, eg streamer/phonostage, connected to preamp all have great power supply than preamp power tubes would seem less important.

I don't understand what the upstream equipment has to do with a tube power supply in a preamp.
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If you add something to nothing you would have something instead of this nothing
Heavy - next time you find a MC240 for $1,100 buy it for me…..


Well is it for you or is it for profit? I bought for pure profit from a garage sale.. He had 15 Dual TT if he had one.

I have 1 MC225, 2 MC240, 2 MC275, 2 MC60s (24k gold cases) a pair of MX110z, 2 C20, 1 C11, C2500, MX120, MX121, MX150

You need a good looking amp, untouched I have three almost unblemished 9.0 - 9.6 or better? MC225, MC240, MC275 and a MX110z.

The MX110z and MC225 are two of the best I’ve ever seen.. including NEW in the box.. Never touched original Mcintosh valves. RCA Black plate and Telefunken

I have better stock than most dealers.. Usually. I just HATE dealing with chicken $hit customers.. JUST HATE it..

You want to buy a watch Mister? I got watches.. Step into my Boutique Shop (side of a 68 VW bus). :-)

I just signed on the dotted line to officiate my official retirement, through my Unions. Teamsters and OE. Happy days fellas..

I’m looking for a job.. I can’t stand retirement.. I want some one screaming at me in a foreign language.. Cussing. Poppin’ pills, drinkin on the job, living on Pepto - Bismol. I just want to be the one making that happen.. :-)

What did you mean the building is listing 10 degrees, it was your idea.. SF 110 story building SINKING!!!

I told you ships list, Skyscrapers, TIP, you should have listened.. Engineers!! :-)

So do you jack it up, or let it settle to an engineered position? Need to take bets on the cost over runs. I say 300,000,000.00