Do You Clean Your Ears?

Now you can with the right tools! 😉

May be an image of text that says ’QMAX AUDIOPHILE EAR SWAB 14K Gold Static Adhesion Coupler 100% Micro-plastic free Organic Cotton Shielded Grip’


Showing 3 responses by asvjerry

I wear aids daily, and was surprised by how much wax comes out with them....not every day, but enough to bug me...

Clean them off with a Qtip and a small tool sold for that sort of function...

QT the canals daily, 'cuz the aids make them 'itch' in some fashion that annoys Enough....

A co-worker ages ago commented that a Qtip sometimes felt as good as sex on occasion.....🤨🙄

",,,,'ve really got to get out more..."

Sad, really sad......*LOL*

Do Not Vac Your Ears

Having to have your brain stuffed back in.....?




pardon...😏 (damn, that was small....) ;).

"Ears as an error onus zoned....*huh*..."

Fiends, roam mens, counter-fried, bend me you fears....

...and other slight spooferies...  I've been up too long, and it shows...

Looking over @dill s' commercial suggestion, I could see various misperhaps that could occur....Tip loss, leading to the fibers acting like a FR tickler....

"Static build-up fried muh little brain....who can I sue?"

...obviously a North Korean 'reaming' of Western minds...

Que'd Tips:  You thought exploding cigars were funny?😆

Kant wait, but will anyway....

I enjoy long haul awareness (we won't / call it woke) finds the edge of one's logical loops..." just have to hold these wires, 'cuz if I don't.."

Ah, burn-out.....coming in 5ive  Fuuour   Thhhre  Tuh
