Do you have a favorite vacuum tube?

Just wanted to know if you have a favorite vacuum tube and company? I have had some GE NOS (new old stock) tubes that were very good. 12AXWA and 12BH7A. I use these in an integrated amp, the Line Magnetic Audio 216. Anybody have any tubes they can reccommend?
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Showing 1 response by wolf_garcia

Ditto on 6SN7GTBs as they're used in both my preamp (4) and my power amp (1). Faves are NOS Amperex, Sylvania, and RCA. However, the tubes that made the best impression on me relative to other tubes tried in this particular power amp are the Gold Lion KT77s. Surprising since I'd tried another brand of these and thought, meh...I'll buy another pair when the these get tired.