Do you own the last amp you'll ever buy?

What is the average lenghth of time a component will stay in your system before you upgrade? Are certain components less apt to be replaced than others? Do speakers tend to stay in a system longer than amps or preamps? If you've finally found the Holy Grail, how many years and changes did it take until you found it? Just curious.

Showing 2 responses by zaikesman

I can see myself wanting to try a set of high-powered P/P class-A triode OTL's some day, but I'd have to get the right speakers first...
Actually, let me ammend my above post: I'd not only need the right speakers, but also a willingness to spend a lot more money, plus a toleration for gear that's physically large and heavy and gives off too much heat - Hmmm...maybe I will be staying with my current amps for a good while.