Do you own the last amp you'll ever buy?

What is the average lenghth of time a component will stay in your system before you upgrade? Are certain components less apt to be replaced than others? Do speakers tend to stay in a system longer than amps or preamps? If you've finally found the Holy Grail, how many years and changes did it take until you found it? Just curious.
Absolutely. Until the next last amp I'll ever buy.

But seriously, I moved a few amps in and out of my system and I am really happy with Levinson 436 Mono's. They are
a perfect fit with my system and taste in music, [which is a wide, wide range, actually]. There may be a better amp
out there for me and my system, but I am so happy right now,
I don't have any motivation to leave my listening position
and go look. Or, uh...listen. You know what I mean.
I can see myself wanting to try a set of high-powered P/P class-A triode OTL's some day, but I'd have to get the right speakers first...
I seem to roll over a complete system about every 10 years, and I still have all the amps I ever built or purchased. I can't imagine a more desirable amp than I have, but I'm sure it will happen. I've gone from tubes to SS to tubes - what's next?