Do you past equipment appear in your dreams?

I see recurring dreams about an Audio Innovations tube amp I used to have. In the dream I suddenly remember I need to get new tubes, after then everything becomes difficult.


That amp was great, a bargain. It broke, of course, and somehow my dad got rid of it, took it to a crap metal shop maybe.


Work, graduate school, some relationships… but fortunately I have not gone over the edge on audio that far. But if I did, it would be lust over something new… but that’s me. 

No, but I've fondly dreamed that I'd kept and was still driving one of my old cars. 

I too have a recurring dream about some guys dad bringing an Audio  Innovations tube amp into my crap metal shop and leaving. FWIW it only needed a fuse and it still sounds great. Enjoy the music

This is an interesting and unexpected question. Of what I remember equipment never appears in my dreams. It probably does from time to time, though, but that's an assumption.