Do You Remember Your First CD Player?

I had owned the first of the first. I purchased the unit in 1982. It was a Sony CDP 101. It was the most obnoxious, raspy, annoying, piercing, grading, non-musical component I had ever heard.

Also, at the time, the complete CD library that was available consisted of about 15 CDs.

Now? I listen to my newest CD rig more than I listen to my turntable. My, how times have changed.

What was your first CD player and when did you purchase it?
A DUAL model %$#@ or something. Purchased it at a NYC shop in 1983 I think. This Dual CD player was in the initial wave of CD product offerings and had this funky front door which when opened would accept the disc vertically. Took forever (45 seconds) to cycle open and close. The contraption looked like a shoe box. Still have it somewhere in the attic surely. Audibly it was torture!

Hey.. Ya got me thinking EBay's vintage audio section??
To Funny.
Of course I remember it. It IS a NAD 521i. Hey, I'm 23 and new to audio, okay????

I guess if it counts, my dad has an old Technics CD player from the late 80's. I listened to that a lot.
It was a Sony player, something like a 505es. I believe it had favorable write ups in Stereo Review or High Fidelity. I bought it in 1985 and it was bright and glared horribly through the treble range, and where was the dynamic range they promised? I replaced it with an es608 in 89 which I still own and use in a second system. I still like the es608.
Yes, It was a mMagnovox 14 bit player that I bought at Service Merchandise. I still use it about once a week. It has issuesbut its not nearly as bad as some Sony's I have heard.
My first CD player was a Sony CFD-S47 boombox that I've purchased about 3-4 years ago, now it is at work as I'm listening to UNTO ASHES on it. It seems I'm the last person in America to own a CD player.