Do you think you need a subwoofer?

Why almost any one needs subwoofers in their audio systems?

I talk with my audio friends about and each one give me different answers, from: I don't need it, to : I love that.

Some of you use subwoofers and many do in the speakers forum and everywhere.

The question is: why we need subwoofers ? or don't?

My experience tell me that this subwoofers subject is a critical point in the music/sound reproduction in home audio systems.

What do you think?
Ag insider logo xs@2xrauliruegas
Dear friends: STOP THE PRESS and read before:

all my audio system links including the speakers/subwoofers ( even the speaker's crossover inductors. ) are wired or rewired internally with silver wire but my Phonolinepreamp because has no single internal wire through its design, the system interconnect cables are from silver too.

Well, two days ago that I opened one of my elctrical line regulators/conditioners I have to change two short internal wires/cables ( 15cm. ) and the only ones at hand were KCAG silver by Kimber Kable.

After that I just seated to listen MUSIC and " something " happened that has no explanation and that was totally unexpected because the cable I changed was a necessity more than to achieve a real improvement but it happens ! ! ! ! 

Then and due that I still have some KCAG cables I use it instead my after market power cords in my Phonolinepreamp and fenomenal THINGS followed happening ! ! ! ! 

Was so outstanding that I already ordered more KCAG to change all my system power cables.

The improvements were to many that can resume in two main ones and what these two represnet on the overall quality performance level in any audio system:


_  LESS ROOM INTERACTION with higher system electronic/speaker headroom levels.

Astonishing, is it?  ! ! !

Lesson: we need SILVER wires in the electrical power system cables.

Regards and enjoy the music,

Dear friends: First time I used KK 4TC/8TC cooper braided speaker cable for electrical line power cables in my electronics and especially with amplifiers I use it in shot gun configuration, this is that each single 8TC cable for the positive and other complete 8TC for N.

This is very important issue and is how I'm wiring with pure SILVER today all the system electrical line power cables everywhere.

Yes, it's a little expensive but IMHO nothing can wive us so outstanding rewards as this system tweack along the line regulators.

SILVER is the name of the game in this particular audio subject.

Regards and enjoy the music,

I thought readers of this thread might want to read a professional review of the 4 sub distributed bass array system I discussed previously:

     This is actually about Duke Lejeune’s Swarm system but it’s virtually identical to James Romeyn’s Debra system that I own; exact same 4 ohm subs with 10" drivers, 1,000 watt class A/B ampifier along with the exact same setup procedure and wiring method.

Again, a reasonably priced system that delivers excellent bass in any room for both music and ht without the need for any room treatments and without any room analysis/room correction software or equipment. Yes, you do need to accommodate 4 (1 sq. ft. footprint and 2 ft. tall) subs in your room but it delivers the best bass response I’ve yet experienced in my room. I just want to let everyone know how well these systems work.

With a Mini DSP 2x4 you can control up to 4 subs on line level. Food for thought . I am going to try it soon
I use Vandersteen 5A speakers.  They have built-in subs that are driven from their own main stereo amp drives the mids/highs.  This frees up the amp from the power hungry subs and permits it to just loaf with smile.  Two subs are better than one - they better fill in the lower reflections of the room