Do you think you need a subwoofer?

Why almost any one needs subwoofers in their audio systems?

I talk with my audio friends about and each one give me different answers, from: I don't need it, to : I love that.

Some of you use subwoofers and many do in the speakers forum and everywhere.

The question is: why we need subwoofers ? or don't?

My experience tell me that this subwoofers subject is a critical point in the music/sound reproduction in home audio systems.

What do you think?
Ag insider logo xs@2xrauliruegas
Hi Raul, I am sorry ,sorry for the things I said to you. Since I said that truth is most important, I had a realisation why I am so "mad " at you, not Raul the man, but Rauls unsubstantial postings.

It started when I scrimped and saved to upgrade from my Lehman black cube phono preamp to a Hagerman Trumpet. I all ready owned a Shelter 901 MC cartridge, so I needed a step up. The Bent MU was my choice. At the time it was a popular combination and everything seemed right.

I recieved the units and started listening, playing with the resistors for impedance matching and enjoying the units.

I came across your post on why step ups are so bad and that in no way can you ever get good music from them. You said never will, no way. I read it and started thinking, well this comes from a man with much experience. So I started listening to what you described, thought about buying an active preamp. I never did buy the active preamp and perservered and soon forgot you negative comments about step up transformers and started to enjoy my system. Never did hear the problems you associated with them, the problems could still be there and perhaps some day I will have an active preamp and enjoy it as well. But there I was holding these black and chrome beauties, and Raul was pissing on my parade.

I then started noticing your other posts s.s. vs tube phono preamps, who needs moving coil when moving magnet is best, two subs vs one (at least this one I had covered with two subs), etc... never offering real ways to obtain good sound just negative critisim and negating whole topographies, that were not your way. And how with your test measurement ears, that I did not obviously posess, that I would never get great sound.

I started playing with the real problem of room acoustics. And came to realise it was not me, nor my lack of ability to buy multi thousand dollar equipment that was the problem. How could I not be happy with a $3,000 phono stage? Hey, that is multi thousand dollar! Are Jim Hagerman or John Chapman such idiots and that only Raul knows the true way. As i came to the realisation that without proper room acoustics you ain't hearing anywhere near what your equipment is close to being capable of. I realised what you are hearing and thought, poor Raul, no wonder he is so misguided.

So Raul, I believe that perhaps we both could learn something from this. I could be kinder and gentler in some of my posts and perhaps you could... well I think thats up for you to decide.

The good news is that I still have the Bent step ups and they do everything they should, they are real and the are spectacular.

The bad news is you still have a bad sounding room. There I go again... but really I am sorry and please accept my apologies

Have a good life, amigo.

Dear Dgob: +++++ " I guess that means that my answer is a resounding "YES", I definitely needed sub's - even though I had not realised it before! " +++++

Your last sentence means ( between other things ) that if we can we should try it.

Nice to hear you are satisfied.

regards and enjoy the music.
Dear Sirspeedy: This is what Gmorris posted in this thread sometime ago:

+++++ " To fully recreate the recording space you need the lower octaves even if the recording involves instruments sans the lower registers.

I was surprised at the improvements in detail and ambience retrieval with increased delicacy as a result of the subs on all types of recordings.

Adding a second sub to complete the stereo pair, improved the overall presentation markedly (some folkes claim that low bass is nondirectional and thus one sw is sufficient, but a stereo pair improved everything). The subs also made the overall presentation more articulate and dynamic. " +++++

Regards and enjoy the music.
Dear mark: Yes, I'm only posted as a reference/opinion.

Have a good time.

regards and enjoy the music.